Thousands of brave men will challenge the icy waters of Chacho del Estrecho 2018


H There will be two important activities that will paralyze Punta Arenas. The first is the final
of the 2018 World Cup Russia, starting at noon.
between the French national team and the Croatian team, given the importance
from this colony to Magallanes.

a few hours later, there will be an activity that defies year after year, hundreds
brave willing to give everything to take the dip of their
lives From 16:00, the icy waters will wait for thousands of
people in the traditional Chapuzón del Estrecho, organized by the
Municipality of Punta Arenas, an activity which is part of the
Las Invernadas 2018.

year, people control will be more organized, since each
courageous who registered, you will receive a bracelet, which
allows to make space at the place that will be activated to enter the
cold waters.

Mayor Claudio Radonich said that people who do not have
registered can do it the same day directly from the
two in the afternoon on the seafront in front of the Plaza de los Dinosaurios. In
The activity will deliver towels and hot chocolate to each person
who dares to challenge the waters of Magellan.

a few hours of the dip, I feel very happy, because we noticed
that many tourists have registered, we have everything ready. In the
security zone can be thrown people who are registered,
In addition to the bracelet, we will give a shirt to the first thousand
Five hundred bathers arriving. We work with a lot
employees to make it a pleasant experience, "said Radonich.

Then the mayor said that there is a total of nearly a thousand people registered up here.


As in any wintering, the manufacturers of orders are the Carabineros de Chile, as in every year
will monitor the area so as to avoid further mishaps. In this one
opportunity, Major Hugo Jaque, explained that "one of the best
the news is that the activity is in the afternoon, not like in previous years
that it was morning and that a lot of people were coming directly from
coil with dip. What the municipality did and it was a lot
registration of security people calls that it will be more
insurance. The only recommendation is self-care and Carabineros goes to
be ready with transit service to try this at this time
there is not a lot of vehicle traffic. "


The iconic Magellan Irma Pallahuala confirmed her participation,
90 years old He was happy to participate and said "I could not stay
apart from that and there I will be. "

Closed Streets

Jaque commented that the cuts will be from noon the day and
will completely cut the Costanera. "See the flow of people
When he reaches the place, he will be gradually cut off. We will
to be installed for the prevention service, asking the public
In general, do it with great care and have the necessary seriousness
for this act to be carried out without problems ", affirmed the authority.

Winter Carnival

In the same sense, the commander Hugo Jaque indicated that after
other celebrations are coming for the winter carnival.
"The allegorical cars that are in the night in the area come
central of our city. For this we have a large quantity
officials for security. I have to be very careful
tell the community to be very careful with their homes, if they are going
leave, keep relevant titles so that they do not happen
illicit, "he concluded.

@ JesúsNieves

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