Thyroid: the signs that tell you that something is wrong


Thyroid: the signs that warn that something is wrong

The small butterfly-shaped gland, located in the neck, specifically in front of the trachea, under what is called the "apple of 39, Adam. " And that's the key to regulating many body functions.

However, according to the latest National Health Survey 2009-2010 (page 692), 19.4% of the population in Chile would suffer from a type of illness. thyroid. Of these, only one fifth would be in treatment, and 46% of these patients would not have good control of the disease.

That is why we spoke with Lorena Mosso, an endocrinologist at the Pontifical Catholic University and a member of the Chilean Society. Endocrinology and Diabetes, who as part of the International Thyroid Week, explained the importance of being attentive to any problem that could affect this important gland.

"The thyroid produces and releases hormones into the thyroid bloodstream, which are responsible for regulating the rate of metabolism that affects the activities of the organs, such as the heart, brain, and digestive system. health of the skin, hair, nails, muscles and nerves in good condition.It can even influence the way we think or feel and memory capacity by brain activity, says the specialist. 19659006] THE MOST COMMON DISEASES AND THEIR SYMPTOMS

According to the endocrinologist, thyroid diseases may have existed since birth, but the most common is that they are generated gradually.And the main causes of malfunction of this, are their sensitivity to diseases of the immune system and the toxic substance.

"The presence of autoantibodies that attack the thyroid is one of the most common causes which alters its functioning. In addition to toxins found in the environment, foods and products of everyday life, known as thyroid disruptors, explains Mosso.

And to be aware of the signs of dysfunction of our thyroid, it is important to know the symptoms of the most common diseases that affect the doctor's details below:

– Hypothyroidism: [19659003] The lack of thyroid hormone, causes fatigue, lack of mood and energy, memory failures and the ability to concentrate, feeling cold, slow heart rate, dry skin, constipation, weight gain despite not eating more or less than usual, retarded development or growth in children.

– Hyperthyroidism:

] It is characterized by an excess of thyroid hormone. It causes nervousness, irritability, concentration problems, hypersensitivity, rapid heart rate and diarrhea, sleep disturbances and weight loss with no apparent cause

– thyroid nodules and cancer:

nodule in the neck, in the area where the thyroid is. If the mbad is very large, it can cause difficulty in swallowing and if it irritates a nerve that goes to the larynx, I could produce a hoarseness or a difficulty to breathe, but this is rare.


Specialist Lorena Mosso ensures that the consequences of not dealing with these problems over time, will depend on the degree of impairment and the conditions in which each person is.

"In the gestation period it is very serious because it can affect the pregnancy and development of the baby.Therefore, in women, you should be careful in periods of fertility and pregnancy," he says, and he adds that the risk of not treating these problems in children can trigger a conbad hypothyroidism that causes mental retardation in children, he says.
In the case of not taking in account hyperthyroidism, the consequences can be severe thyroid and arrhythmias, warns Mosso.While in the case of nodules, the endocrinologist explains that most of them are benign, but they must be evaluated, because 10% correspond to cancer

The good news is that all these diseases have a solution.For hypothyroidism, the treatment consists of supplementing a pill with levothyroxine which provides the lack of "cancer". hormone. hyperthyroidism, there are drugs that can control excess production and radioactive iodine or surgery can be used. And the nodules must be studied to exclude that they are clever and to keep under observation, "says Lorena Mosso.

La Tercera
By Francisca Quezada / @FranQuezadaSans

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