Tiger joined the HIV Test Promotion Day


The Municipality of Tigre joins the HIV test promotion day with a day of voluntary, free and confidential controls to detect the virus. It took place in the central station of the district and had a large participation of the community.

Secretary of Health Policy and Human Development, Gonzalo Meschengieser, accompanied the initiative and noted: "This year our mayor has signed the Paris Declaration, a commitment made by cities to curb this scourge that Is from now on, we have badumed the obligation to bring Tigre's neighbors closer to the possibility of a quick, safe and free test. "

Screening Promotion Day HIV has been promoted by the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and different countries have adopted it as a reference for the specific promotion of HIV testing.Tiger, the day was organized by the Secretariat for Health Policy and Human Development and was supported by students from the municipal nursing school and district health center staff.a blood sample, to get the results in 20 minutes.

"It is important to provide this service to the population every day of the year, also to demolish the myths about contagion and inform about care, Many times they do not know," said the Councilor Gisela Zamora.

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) may not show symptoms for a long time, but in the long run it weakens the defenses and is a consequence of the onset of other diseases. In late results, the treatment is more complex. People diagnosed early, in addition to having access to free controls and treatments, can make HIV a chronic infection and lead a healthy life.

The UNAIDS reference in Argentina, Clarisa Brezzo, said: We celebrate activities like these. Tiger is fortunately one of the jurisdictions that systematically promote the HIV test. It has more than 22 fixed screening centers and also has this type of facilitators.

In search of better accessibility to diagnosis, the municipality proposes the "rapid test" of HIV in the 22 health centers of the district. In addition, it provides free condom distributors in municipal facilities, schools and institutions.

On his side, student nurse Mariana Irigoitia said, "This initiative allows us to interact with people and put into practice we are learning every day in our universities. Whenever there is more misinformation about tests and care, that's why we are trying to make sure that people are not ashamed and encouraged to take control.

Those interested in obtaining more information can communicate via the 0800-122 -TIGRE (84473) or 5282.7558 – [email protected]

Rodrigo Molinos, the counselor, was present at the test ; the Director General of Preventive Medicine, María José Viani; the coordinator of the HIV, STI and viral hepatitis program, Sebastián Montoto; and the director of the nursing school of the Tiger University, Norma Leiva, among others.

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