Timehop ​​reveals data from its 21 million users


The application Timehop ​​ that allows to remember old publications and photographs posted on social networks, was a victim of hacking that allowed to steal data from 21 million accounts.

App that made you go back to the past, announced that the filtered information goes from the names of the users, the email addresses, to the cell phone numbers that were badociated with the profiles.

know that last July 4, he suffered a cyber attack in the security breach that gave access to external people to know and know the data of users completely violating their privacy.

Although the situation is not at all good, the company pointed out that it was not possible to transgress the memory of the users, ie the personal content of social networks Nectadas with the application was not disclosed and only public content could be known.

In order to make this fact known to its users and that measures were taken, they were immediately notified and commented that the moment the access tokens were canceled on social networks; remember that these tokens allowed the app to connect to platforms like Facebook Twitter and Instagram just to see the accumulated memories.

Protects your Instagram account to avoid future hacking with these simple steps

Faced with this situation, it was said that one of the problems that probably caused this was the lack of procedures that his auditing Since anyone else who has pbadwords, you can access the account without any problem.

The recommendations made by Timehop ​​were adequate, but in the same way, it is advisable to change all pbadwords prior to this incident and that these are not identical that are used in other badociated accounts .

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