Tips and tricks for playing Red Dead Redemption 2


Red Dead Redemption 2 is an absurdly voluminous game, filled with secrets and hidden surprises. It's possible to learn how everything works while playing, but the early hours can be overwhelming and a little confusing. I am here to help.

I learned a lot about the functioning of Red Dead 2 so I thought I would take the opportunity to share some of my knowledge with beginners. Of course, these tips are far from being a complete guide and there are still many things that I do not know.

Start with a video of the first game to refresh your memory

Red Dead Redemption 2 is closely related to its predecessor of 2010. Since it is a precedent , he shares a lot of characters with the first game and it 's more rewarding if you remember what happened with John Marston. If you do not remember or you do not have time to play the first game, do not worry, you can watch this entertaining and informative video of Tim Rogers:

Calm down …

Red Dead Redemption 2 is incredibly slow and detailed. It will ask you to reduce your speed whenever you have the opportunity, so listen to it. Take Your Time There is so much to see and do

… until you want to get on with history

That said, there is a moment when the story of the game begins to gain momentum. You may want to just go ahead and see how things are progressing. Agree: Most of the side missions you get started on will always be there when you finish the main story. So do not worry too much if you want to start focusing on the story of Chapter 5.

Save manually from time to time [19659008] This is never a bad time to manually record, yet better in multiple backup files. Then do it. Do not rely too much on automatic backup, because the game is saved permanently and you can cancel a wave of murders or, more likely, recover a fallen horse.

The percentage of completeness and the percentage of stories are in two. different places

If you are wondering what progress you have made in history, check out the History tab in the progress menu. When you save the game, you will see a different percentage next to your saved file. This is the overall percentage of completion of the game, which includes collectibles, foreign missions and other props.

Rent rooms in the city to change your clothes and sleep away from the camp

. You can rent a room for the night. These rooms are more than a place of rest: you can also change clothes and use them as a home away from your camp. If you avoid quick trips and try to live as long as possible in the open world, rent a room for you.

Do not Buy Weapons

You will get free almost all the major weapons of the game. History missions, so it is rarely worth spending your precious money on a gun. Save your money for customizations, which you absolutely must buy, including viewfinders and rifled barrels that improve the performance of each weapon. You should also save to upgrade accessories such as the shoulder strap, which increases the ammo capacity.

Do not worry too much about the early money

Arthur is almost ruined in the first part of the game, so everything seems too expensive. Keep playing the story missions and very soon you will have more money to start improving your team. Then the game will open a little because it will be easier for you to pay your rewards and buy what you want in the stores.

Talk to people more than once

Arthur Morgan can interact with anyone (or with an animal). present in the game, which can lead to fascinating conversations and unpredictable interactions. Do not forget that you can talk to people more than once. "Say hello" to someone more than once and the conversation will switch to a new level of exchange each time you press the button, which will usually end after the third. It's great.

To enhance your reputation, go greet people

Arthur's 'Honor' Gauge indicates whether you have been a hero or a villain, and goes up and down depending on your actions. Shoot unarmed civilians or steal a stagecoach and your honor may fall. Help someone, and it will go up. Honor has a minor impact on history, altering little things like entries in Arthur's journal and his dreams. I played the game with a high level of honor and I thought the story was going very well. I'm not sure what it is if you play like a fool.

If your honor always decreases more than you want, you can revive it fairly quickly by walking and simply greeting people in the street. Whenever you say hello, you get a little more honor. You can also listen to interesting conversations, so it's worth it.

Name your horse (and take care of it)

In the barn there are more types of horses than you can know, so take your time to know them all. You can name and change the name of any horse in the "Services" menu of the stable, and I recommend it. I also recommend brushing and feeding your horse regularly, partly because it will increase the bond with Arthur and make the horse perform better, and partly because it is your horse: you must be kind to him.

Stay until the end of the holiday

At certain times in history, all members of the camp will gather for a party. The parties are very well done: people drink, talk, tell stories and sing songs. It's a bit like if you were attending an immersive theatrical production like Sleep No More : you can wander freely from one place to another and listen to what's going on. This gives the impression that ten or more people went together in the mo-cap studio and improvised a scene. It's fun.

Parties are also a good place to meet gang members and their relationships. Understanding these relationships will help make the most complicated stories of the future more meaningful. The holidays last a while, and you may want to fall asleep and continue the story. My recommendation is to stay until the end. The holidays do not happen so often and are very special.

Press and hold the menu button to access the map directly

You might think that the Red Dead 2 map is only accessible through the map since pause menu, but you can get there faster by holding down the options or the start button.

Travel with Film Camera

When it's time to go from point A to point B, you will usually have to ride a horse. and ride. It's a good way to get moving, but it can get tedious. Fortunately, you have a variety of travel options. My favorite is the "cinematic camera" that you can activate by holding down the options button or the trackpad. Add black bars at the top and bottom of the screen so that the game looks more like a movie, but also if you go to a specific point. All you have to do is press the X / A button to keep your horse moving. If you need to go somewhere and just want to relax and enjoy the view, you can set a manual reference point on the map, turn on the camera and relax.

There is a quick travel option that you can unlock in the camp [1]. 19659008] I did almost all my non-manual trips in Red Dead 2 using the camera or, occasionally, buying a train ticket. However, if you prefer a faster system in a more traditional open world, you can unlock it as a camp upgrade. First of all, you have to upgrade the Dutch tent, which opens an updated Arthur store that allows you to quickly leave the camp. It's expensive, over $ 500 total, but it's worth it if you want to move faster.

Discover the operation of statistics, hearts and levels

The game does not explain the skills and statistics, so I will try to do better. In the lower left corner of the screen you will see three separate attributes, each surrounded by a white symbol and a partially filled ring. The heart is your health, the ray is your resistance and the eye is your dead eye, that is to say it looks at it in slow motion. When you are near your horse, you will see two others with small horseshoes: health and resistance for the horse.

Health is the shots you can receive. Resistance determines your ability to run. If it runs out, you will be out of breath. The dead eye determines how long you can turn on slow motion while aiming.

The icons are the nuclei. The ring that surrounds each nucleus is the amount that you have left. If you lower the ring a little (for example, you run a bit while exhausting some of your resistance), it will fill slowly when it stops. The same goes for health or idling. But it is the nucleus that regenerates the ring. If you take damage, run or use idle until you run out of the ring, your kernel will also start to run out. If you exhaust the whole kernel, you can not regenerate anything. (If your condition is completely exhausted, you will die.)

You can fill dark circles by taking tonics and even overloading them with tonics that give you a full yellow ring. However, you can fill the kernels only while eating, drinking or smoking (the latter is idling). It's worth taking canned food for that, although the food you cook in the camps will recharge your heart a lot faster. (The same goes for horses, so if your horse falls to the ground, you will have to feed it to quickly replenish its nuclei.)

Finally, your rings are partial because you have a low level. To level up, use the rings. Run to increase your stamina, shoot with precision to increase your dead eye and kill with a bow or a melee (or with dynamite) to improve your health. You can check your progress and what is missing at the next unlock, among others, in the "Player" tab of the main menu, by selecting Arthur.

I hope that makes sense now. At first I found it difficult to understand, but once I realized it was easy to take advantage of it.

Do not worry too much about camp payments or personal hygiene

You need to do some maintenance on this game, both personal as a community. You will have to eat and keep Arthur clean, but also pour money into the camp to buy new things for the gang and prevent people from blaming you for your lack of generosity.

For those who want to focus on the story without worrying about anything. of all this, there is nothing to fear: it is not crucial. You will not be excluded from the gang if you do not contribute too much, and Arthur will not starve if he does not eat. These systems are designed for people who want to interact with them and, to a large extent, they feel optional for me. However …

Eat something, young man, you're skinny like a stick

It's always a good idea to eat when you're lucky, not only to replenish your kernels, but to maintain high body mbad If your weight is too low, your physical stamina and regeneration will decrease, and although you probably do not have too much trouble in the game (I had a low weight in most of the time). history), it's never good to have a low weight. Each time you camp, consume a little more food than the basic amount you need to grow your carrots. Arthur is a big guy and he needs food.

Discover how the rewards work

The rewards in Red Dead 2 are a little more complicated than they seem, or at least a little less consistent. . If you commit a crime and you are seen, the witness will report to you. It will put "Witness" in the upper corner of the screen. Check the map or look around and you can usually find that person. Once you do it, you can shoot them or just scare them so that they escape without reporting the crime. If they denounce you, however, the authority will pick you up. Flee the area and you could be fine. But often, they will reward you with a reward.

Once they give you a reward, this only applies in the state where you committed the crime. The bounty hunters will pick you up and if they find you, they could spoil your day (in other words, they could kill you). Leave the state and everything will be fine, or pay the reward at the post office.

At the beginning of the game, I did not understand what the red borders meant on the world map. I thought that I could not cross this border territory without being attacked. Fortunately, this is not the case. You can easily cross a state border even with a reward; the red box only indicates that they are looking for you in this state. It may be one of those things that bothered me, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

Changing Interaction Options with Trigger

Sometimes when you are in a small space and want to take something, the interaction indicator remains fixed on another object nearby . You want to pick up those cigarettes, do not sit down! Fortunately, you can press the right trigger to change the possible targets. You will see a message next to the interaction button, as well as two small white dots indicating the number of options available. Repeatedly pull the trigger to find what you want.

Take the time to review your inventory

By holding the right button on the crossbeam, you can open the bag to see your valuables, documents and other items that you have collected. . Check your documents in particular, as they have all been carefully prepared and help to develop the world around you. For example, in Valentine, your mission is to find a group of famous shooters and you may not know what to do next. Examine the photos in your inventory and flip them over to find out more about each person. This person's position will be added to the map.

Play the first person, even from time to time

Press the camera's remote button several times (back to Xbox One, touch screen on PS4), you can switch to an immersive view at the first nobody, as in the versions of Grand Theft Auto V for desktop computers and consoles of the current generation. The first-person view of Red Dead 2 is overwhelming, rather than GTA V, to the point that he rarely used it in his story. I also preferred to see Arthur because he helped me communicate better with his character.

However, when I play in an open world, it's nice to go in the first person and just wander, enjoying the view. If you find that covering or riding a horse in the first person does not suit you, you can disable it in the Options menu. The camera goes to the third person every time you get into a vehicle, a horse, or you go to the shelter.

Do not forget your camera

Arthur takes a camera with him and he is very fun to use. Access it in the wheel on the right, at the location of the binoculars. You can take pictures and self-portraits. It's hard to explain, but seeing the world through the lens of a camera in the game dramatically increases your photorealism.

Clean Up Your Weapons

Your weapons get dirty pretty quickly, which will reduce their performance. Do not forget to clean them and try to carry with you some cans of oil for weapons, just in case you get caught in a shootout in the desert with nothing but dirty iron. Your weapons will never be broken, but they will be less accurate and will do less damage, so keep an eye on the "condition" indicator in each weapon's stats.

Hunting rifles are not a joke

If you have to destroy something, take one. hunting rifle.

Stay on the lookout for weapons on the map

Whenever you find a weapon that you do not own, it appears on the map in the form of an icon depicting a small pistol. Stay tuned, as their selection will definitely unlock this weapon for you. Also, do not worry about dropping the weapon you currently have to take a new one; you can get another version of the one you already have on your saddle.

Do not remove the option of the double revolver

You will very quickly unlock a second case to carry a second pistol. I guess it was obvious. I have spent a lot of time with a shotgun cut from this case, but I actually recommend trying a second gun and holding two revolvers at the same time. But cover up before reloading, as it takes a while.

Collect the corpses

Stealing your dead enemies after a shootout can take a little while, but it's worth it. and valuables that you can sell on the black market. Especially in the beginning, when money is scarce. Just keep in mind that if you are on the scene of a crime, you will want to leave before long, otherwise someone will see you and inform you. Monster! What did you do? Why are you pillaging a corpse?

Do Unknown Missions Whenever You Can

If you move and hear someone speak louder than others, it is probably an "unknown". Strangers are non-playable special characters from Red Dead 2 people with often surprising stories. There are several different types and it is useful to take the time to interact with them all.

The lowest level foreigners are just people you meet around the world, swap briefly and keep going. They are indicated by a small white dot on the map that appears only as you approach. Sometimes these strangers come back to your story later unexpectedly, but they are still relatively unobtrusive. However, if you see a large white question mark on the map, it is an unknown mission. These are more involved and usually have multiple phases. It's like story missions that exist out of the story.

Get Your Horse Hat

If you drop your hat because a horse kicked you while you were trying to steal your saddlebags accidentally, you can not count right away. It is possible that someone has pulled a hat, in which case you may not have had the luxury of taking it back. No cowboy should go around without a hat, but do not worry, you can get it back at any time from your saddle. You have your own place in the lower right of the horse's radial menu.

Test the mini-card

Red Dead Redemption 2 contains a very good mini-card, mainly because it offers you many options and allows you to adjust them. on the march. I played at the gist of the game using the compbad setting, which is a good midway point between a full mini-map and a map.

But, if I had not been in a hurry to finish the game, I would probably have disabled the mini-map with more frequency The world of this game is extraordinarily seaworthy itself; There are signs everywhere and the characters will often give you instructions when they tell you where to go. If you get lost, you can always press the D-pad to momentarily see the mini-map if you need it. (All games still use a mini-card: please make it a function!) You can also hold down the D-pad to switch between mini-card sizes on the fly.

You can preview each set. and store clothing

Store catalogs are beautiful and ridiculously detailed, but they also require a lot of reading time. If you just want to pick the best outfit and follow your path, you can do it too. Press the "View" button when you look at an outfit in the catalog and you can try the clothes.

In the locker room, you can click on "All costumes" to browse the other costumes in this store's catalog without leaving the dressing room. . You can do the same thing with individual clothes and accessories, giving you an advantage over the late 19th century residents who had to choose their clothes based on the illustrations in the catalog.

There are more choices of clothes than you. imagine

Take time to dress up Red Dead Redemption 2 because there are fabulous outfits. The clothes themselves are fantastic and I had more fun than expected with the dress. Managing stored combinations is a bit uncomfortable, but once you do it several times, you will practice. An important thing to remember is that you can press the "Edit" button while you explore the clothes and change the collar, sleeves, boots and pants.

Once you have bought a shoulder strap, you can remove it.

Halfway through the story, I finally had enough money to buy a shoulder strap. It allowed me to carry a lot of ammo, but it also meant that Arthur was going everywhere with a shoulder strap. It's good in a "Wild West Rambo" environment, but not so good at any other time. Fortunately, players can change "the team of weapons" at the bottom of the costume tab. Changing these options will not affect the amount of ammo you have access to, so you can get rid of your shoulder strap without inconvenience.

Read the handwritten version of Arthur's diary

Arthur keeps a diary that is updated throughout the game, and you can read it at any time by holding down the cross key. The game warns you when you add a new entry and it's worth taking the time to read it. If possible (depending on the distance from the screen, etc.), I recommend you read the actual graphic representation of the magazine instead of the easier-to-read printed version that you can invoke by pressing a button. Subtle touches, such as barred errors, underlined words and other marginal aspects, can give a clear idea of ​​Arthur's mental state as he writes. .

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