Tips for not getting tangled in buying a cable for the cell phone


David Aguirre lost the cable with which he was charging his phone. "I bought another, supposedly original, but it never worked like the one that came from the factory, in fact, the USB end did not fit properly in the charger. "

Nicols Symmes instead bought cables and chargers knowing that they are not original "The experience was bad, they last three weeks and some just do not work."

Like them, many have had bad experiences using cables other than those that come with their phones. There are several myths about this accessory, which lead users to extreme positions: use only the original brand cable and charger or use those that sell in the informal trade at low speeds. price.

a good cable or a charger of poor quality? This is not easy, but there are some indicators that help make the right decision.

In the case of the iPhone, in addition to the Apple brand cables, there are other easily recognizable certificates because they carry a seal with the acronym MFi (Made for iPhone).

On the website the company delivers data to recognize a certified cable from one who is not. For example, the original connector is a coin, with rounded contacts and gold or silver. On the other hand, in a bad copy, the connector is divided into several parts, the contacts or pins are square and irregular. In addition, the original cable has an inscription with its origin, 18 centimeters from its end.


In the case of phones with Android, the general recommendation is to look at some physical characteristics of the cable: it must be thick, flexible and a plastic similar to rubber (aesthetic electricity is avoided). Some even come with a ferrite cylinder that avoids interference with other electrical appliances.

Rafael Monroy, national accounts director for Belkin (cable manufacturer), provides some guidelines that help to recognize one of quality. "The place where you buy it is a recognized chain and the product has a one year warranty." The packaging tells us a lot about the product, since the original cable manufacturers invest in excellent packaging, "he says.You must also look at the charger and especially that its amperage (current intensity) is the same than the one accepted by the phone.

"The greatest risk occurs when the AC charger provides more amperage than necessary, which can cause irreversible damage to the battery When you buy chargers from the origin doubtful, it is likely that they have not been certified in accordance with the regulations of the Superintendency Electricity and Fuel or that they do not meet the necessary amperage, despite the say on the ## EQU1 ## 39; packaging. Vctor Hugo Moncada, Technical Service Manager at Samsung

TecniPhone, a telephone repair shop located in the Galera del Sol in Providencia, gets phones every day with more problems because of the charger or cable. "What fails is a component called Charge IC that handles the voltage in the equipment, there are cases where the plate is damaged by a cut or surge and the phone dies," says Atilio Alanis, a technician from telephone repair. 19659002] Symptoms attributable to the use of poor quality cables and chargers are overheating of the equipment, a drastic decrease in battery operating hours, a 100% slower and slower charge . There are also problems with the connectors, because the uncertified cables penetrate the loading slot with difficulty and eventually damage this part.

Moreover, says Eduardo Fernndez, a MacGarage shop technician, these cables not only transfer energy but also data. . Therefore, its quality is not only noticed whether it charges the phone or not, but also that it synchronizes well with the computer.

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