Tips for Setting up Privacy on Facebook – Technology News – Technology


Facebook is facing its biggest crisis since its inception in 2004. This, after the Cambridge Analytica scandal, that used data from 87 million social network users without their consent to use them in political campaigns [19659002Leplusgrosproblèmemaintenantestderegagnerlaconfiancedesutilisateurs"Facebooksanssesutilisateursn'estrienC'estcommeunjournalsansjournalistesquilenourritd'informationcesontlesutilisateursquiluidonnentvietéléchargentdesinformationsnouentdesrelationsEtcesinteractionsgénèrentuneénormequantitédedonnéesutiliséesparl'entreprisepourvendredelapublicité"expliqueJorgePérezchercheurauMillenniumInstituteofDataFundamentals

"You don & # 39; re not the Facebook client, it is the brand that pays for You are really the product, and that's why the platform is free.The problem is that users are not aware of the value of their data, and do not even read the terms of use when opening an account on Facebook ", says the academic with conviction.

your privacy to digital platforms. By using this data, Google can do more accurate searches, Netflix gives recommendations for movies that are really appropriate, and Amazon suggests a book of the preferred literary genre.

The case of Cambridge Analytica is a reshuffle for people to become aware of the importance of taking care of the data they share. "Usually, I trust someone until it gives me reasons to stop trusting, and Facebook gives me reasons to stop doing it." trust, "says Joseph Holt, professor of business ethics at the University of Notre Dame.

Tell Me About Me

In "General Account Setup" & # 39; ( there is the option "Download a copy of your information". Here it is possible to download a file with the information that the social network has from the user. In my case, there were 1.3 gigabytes of information that included photos, videos, messages, my publications, data of my loved ones, where I live, as well as the artists, the books and movies that I love. There were also my preferences so that I could display personalized ads in my account, and even a list of ads that I had clicked on.

Delete Facebook

To get out of Facebook, there are two ways. The most definitive is to eliminate the account. This is done from According to the social network, it takes about 90 days to delete the data, and not all are deleted; among them, messages sent to other users. "When you leave Facebook, the account is inactive, but your data is still there – maybe your photos are not there, but your relationships with other people and another huge amount of metadata. The problem that the user has is that there is no way to verify that Facebook deletes the data.It is also difficult to require proof of data deletion. ", says Juan Ignacio Nicolossi, Master in Terrorism and Security and Faculty of Engineering of the University of Los Andes

Disable the account

The other way is temporary and This consists of disabling the account. "I do it often, especially when I have to focus on a project or relax a little bit.I put out the" noise "that comes from Facebook," says Siva Vaidhyanathan, a professor of media studies at the University of California. University of Virginia This solution allows others to not see the account, but the data is still there, and this is only a temporary breakdown.The user can reactivate it when it is made from this link:

Configuring Confidentiality

If the option is to keep the account, it is possible to select the data that You want to share. In the "Privacy" menu, the user can determine who will see his posts (open to everyone, only to friends, to me alone, etc.). The same can be done to Restrict access to shared data, such as phone, friends list or e-mail. [19659013] Restricting Applications

Facebook is an open platform for other developers to create applications such as games, pages, groups, surveys, and more. It was precisely one of those applications – a test to discover the digital personality of the user – that was used to access data from millions of accounts.

The social network gives the opportunity to know which applications have been given permission to access the data stacked on Facebook. To access this information, go to the Applications menu ( In my case, they were over 186, which I did not remember. By clicking on each, it is possible to know which data they access, and you can even delete this application.

Remove Advertising

This is a user categorization that brings to life a profile that allows you to broadcast a limited advertisement. to your interests. It is modeled from the badysis of what is uploaded to Facebook and interactions with other users. For example, a person may clbadify them as "frequent traveler", "friend of strangers", "who has years in June", "far from family", "who prefers goods of great value".

Facebook allows you to edit this profile, eliminate categories and even disable advertising on certain content. It is also possible to disable targeted advertising and instead see generic advertising. In advertising settings, the user must disable all their interests, interactions with companies, with the site, pages and other personal information.

On Twitter: @ElMercurio_cl

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