Today begins the national strike of the public sector: they ensure that there are ethical changes of contingency | National


On Monday began the national strike initiated by the Public Sector Office after the unsuccessful round of negotiations with the government for the requested wage adjustment, in which it calls for an increase of at least 4% .

Of course, despite the strike, the group said that during the day there would be ethical changes to deal with emergencies; like delivering important medications or paying attention to specific situations that can not wait.

Given the national and indefinite strike called by the leaders of the Public Sector Office on Monday, the Minister of Labor, Nicolás Monckeberg, confirmed that the government was working "making the best efforts possible " to submit a" responsible "increase proposal.

At the last unsuccessful meeting between the parties, officials requested a 7% increase figure away from the 3.1% proposed by the executive.

For the Minister of Labor, the government's proposal is 25% more than the adjustment last year and represents the "maximum effort" given, according to Monckeberg, "inherited tax restrictions". of the previous administration.

According to the leaders of the syndicated unions, "the ideal would be that the readjustment be greater than 3.5%" . The spokesperson and coordinator of the Public Sector Office, Ana María Gutiérrez, said that the union's proposal "is responsible", because it takes into account the figures of the CPI and the growth economic.

The president of the School of Teachers, Mario Aguilar, has claimed that the government had delivered figures of economic expansion nearly 4%. Therefore, the leader hopes that the readjustment proposed by Minister Larraín Monday will be consistent "so that the growth also benefits the workers" and called the executive power to present a proposal "decent" [19659009] https : //

The President of the National Confederation of Municipal Health (Confusam), Gabriela Flores, acknowledged that the union will sign a potential agreement only if the government proposes a readjustment equal to or greater than 3.5%.

At Monday, the Confusam had contingency discrepancies between 08:00 and 20:00 . In addition, insulin, drugs, supplies from the National Supplemental Food Program and the elderly will be distributed and vaccines will be administered to vulnerable children.

The meeting between the unions and government representatives will take place Monday at 6:30 pm hours in the dependencies of the Ministry of Finance.

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