TODAY / The judge makes room for protection and the suspended students will return to San Jose



With the protection in hand, the three students hanging from the San Jose School will return to school, where they would have beaten other students of the lower clbades.

Journalist Angélica Giménez reported that Judge María Teresa Franco decided to make room for amparo filed by the parents of the three delinquent students of the San José School.

The magistrate ordered the educational authorities to suspend the suspension of the students and allow them to resume their normal activities at school.

The lawyer Álvaro Arias was the one who filed the amparo, arguing that his clients were not part of the shots and that the victim was not injured.

While Tomás Roa, defender of the victim who had denounced his attackers, told Hoy Digital that the magistrate should have veiled for the right of the three students to study, but also for the young man who was beaten.

"We are outraged by this, they saw the rights of a sector and not my client that should be protected.With this measure, the victim and the perpetrators will be in the same school," he said. he says.

Roa said that they wanted to intervene as coadjutors, but the judge refused and did not show him the badyzed file. "It was a chronicle of something announced, it was obvious, because we know how justice is treated," he said.

The lawyer commented that they will now resort to the audit of the judiciary so that the Superintendency can intervene to investigate the magistrate.

On the other hand, he indicated that he had received information that several parents would take their children out of San José because they did not feel protected.

An 11-year-old girl was surgically operated for sucking the lid off of a pen. The minor is in good health after the procedure, according to the medical report.

The miner of the department of Caazapá, had consulted at the regional hospital and was subsequently referred to INERAM. The intervention carried out this Monday was led by the Minister of Health, Carlos Morínigo.

"After evaluation, changes were detected in the ventilation of the right lung, which deserved the intervention of exploration, checking for the presence of the foreign body," said the Minister

After the intervention, the girl woke up with stable settings and was in the company of the grandmother. According to this favorable development, it is expected that tomorrow you can be released and in this way you must go to your pediatric check at the Caazapá Regional Hospital.

This is the third surgery of this type in children. in less than 15 days, which insists on the need to monitor that children avoid manipulating smaller objects at the mouth opening, in order to avoid this type of accidents that can become lethal .


The Expanded Program on Immunization (IAP) today launches Immunization Week in a timely manner to ensure that all family members adhere to the twenty-two Regular Plan vaccines and are available free of charge in public health services before the start of the winter holidays.

This last week of clbades, before the start of the winter holidays, the health authorities request that it be used to update the country-level vaccination system both in children and in children. elderly people, family members. Dose application can be done in schools, colleges and universities in communities and in health services to date as part of the Program's Timely Vaccination Week Immunization Program (PAI)) of the Ministry of Public Health.

The goal of the initiative is that all families have access to the protection offered by the twenty-two vaccines included in the Diet Plan, which are available and are made available to them free of charge.

Dr. Sonia Arza, Director of PAI, explained that this initiative of the Ministry of Public Health has been carried out for five years so that families can enjoy this student break by preserving the individual and collective health of the entire community.

Paraguayan President-elect Mario Abdo Benítez met Uruguayan President Tabaré Vázquez in Montevideo with whom he badyzed the situation of Mercosur and the priorities of the bloc in the coming months, such as the 39, approaching mainland China.

Source: EFE

Abdo Benítez, who will badume the presidency on August 15, is visiting Uruguay and will leave tomorrow for Santiago de Chile, where he will be received by Sebastián Piñera

Vázquez and Abdo Benítez, who included also appointed Chancellor Luis Alberto Castiglioni, elected Vice-President Hugo Velázquez and Uruguayan Minister of Foreign Affairs Rodolfo Nin Novoa, were held behind closed doors at the Montevideo Executive Tower.

Castiglioni Before entering the meeting, Paraguay is a "loyal and loyal ally" who will support all the initiatives of Uruguay during its protempore presidency of Mercosur, which began on June 18 and will last six months.

Uruguay has a very similar relative reality, so they have a lot in common and a lot to do together, "he said.

In this regard, he badured that the l & # 39; one of the priorities of the bloc The future is the concretisation of the negotiations between Mercosur and the European Union, which are currently working on the signing of a trade agreement.

"I hope that , under the direction of Uruguay, we will be able to conclude the agreement in the month of August. then move on to other initiatives, "he added, while emphasizing the rapprochement between Mercosur and China, which has been identified as a priority by the Uruguayan government.

On Tuesday, Abdo Benítez will hold a meeting with Piñera at the Palace of Moneda, and then meet the Chilean Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero

The coverage of early diagnosis of HIV / AIDS in Paraguay reached 78% of the country since 2013 through the national HIV control program, Pronasida, which has also provided antiretroviral therapy to more than 7,600 people, reported the Ministry of Health.

Source: EFE

The program facilitates access to rapid AIDS testing in more than 1,100 public clinics across the country and also has 154 HIV prevention centers in the United States. mother to the child.

The source added that Paraguay has four specialized centers that carry out follow-up tests on people infected with the virus in the capital, Asunción, Encarnación and Ciudad del Este (the second largest city in the country).

The provision of antiretrovirals is free in these centers for the patient and represents a saving of about $ 1,760 a year.

In Paraguay, according to the latest data published by Pronasida, from 1985 to August 2017, they recorded nearly 18,000 diagnoses of HIV infection, at a rate of more than one thousand infections per year.

Last year, 45% of AIDS cases were recorded among people between the ages of 15 and 29 years old.

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