Today, they formalize General Blu, Smith and 9 other carabinieri


This morning at the Temuco Court of Guarantee, the Office of the Prosecutor will inform the former Chief of Intelligence and the Specialized Operational Intelligence Unit (UOIE), his former members and a civilian who Is self-proclaimed to create software to intercept conversations by mail and phone

The case that erupted last January when the prosecution revealed that all tests of the so-called "Operation Hurricane" had been implemented and that the tests shown The trial against alleged members of a terrorist group who committed incendiary attacks was not effective.

This morning, the prosecutor's office will formalize the former intelligence chief, retired General Gonzalo Blu and the creator of the controversial Antorcha petition. the engineer Alex Smith and the retired captain who was in charge of the Specialized Operational Intelligence Unit (UOIE), Leonardo Osses. [19659002] Retired General Marcelo Teuber, retired Major Patricio Marín and experts from the Carabineros Laboratory of Forensic Sciences, Labocar, Manuel Riquelme, Marcos Sanhueza, Marvin Marín and Marcos Vásquez, with NCOs Cristián Pérez and Manuel Cavieres. The application for dismissal of the former official of UOIE, Héctor Olave, should also be discussed

Olave's lawyer, Marissa Navarrete, explained to the newspaper "El Mercurio" that "we have asked for the dismissal following the refusal of the prosecutor to formalize it." The lack of antecedents in his cons, which we have supported since the beginning of this cause. "Corporal Olave worked as a driver and secretary, which demonstrates the lack of seriousness of the charge against him, "said the defender.

At the hearing, the history of the investigation during these six months and the petition will be known. Prosecutor, headed by Aysén regional chief, Carlos Palma, on precautionary measures for those involved, including General Blu and engineer Smith.

Last week, the prosecutor Palma questioned the director general of the carabineers as a witness, Hermes Soto.

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