Tomorrow begins the summit of the Pacific Alliance – Finance – Notes


Puerto Vallarta, July 22 – In this city, located west of Jalisco, begins on Monday the XIII Summit of the Pacific Alliance – Chile, Colombia, Peru and Mexico – and Significant announcements are expected to strengthen this commercial block established in April 2011.

The inauguration will be in charge of the head of the Ministry of Economy (SE), Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal, and the governor of the State of Jalisco, Jorge Aristóteles Sandoval. Both will be accompanied by the Presidents of the Pacific Alliance Business Council (APEC) of each country: Mexico, Valentín Diez Morodo; from Chile, Bernardo Larraín; Colombia, Martin Carrizosa, and Peru, Mario Mongilardi.

Juan Pablo Castañón, President of the Business Coordination Council (CEC), explained that CEAP's businessmen will meet Sunday afternoon and will continue Monday morning to badyze how to facilitate free trade between the two countries. four nations.

"In this space, we will see how we will propose to our leaders and their team changes, regulatory adjustments and trade facilitation through dialogue and badysis," he said.

From July 22 to 23 will also be held the fifth edition of the Pacific Alliance business meeting, to promote the 2030 vision of the region in its process of deep integration with the international environment and to publicize advances in terms of investment, trade, digital agenda, financial integration and logistics, among others.

It should have the presence of the Presidents of the Southern Common Market (Mercosur) and more than 250 high-level entrepreneurs and 50 officials from the four countries of the Pacific Alliance, 56 ministers of observer states and candidates for Associated States – Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Singapore -.

The event is organized by the SE, through ProMéxico, with the support of ProChile, ProColombia and PromPerú, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Business Council of the Pacific Alliance (CEAP) and the Business Council of Foreign Trade, Investment and Technology (Comce).

At the closing ceremony scheduled for Tuesday at 18:00, the presidents of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, Sebastián Piñera, Juan Manuel Santos, Enrique Peña Nieto and Martín Vizcarra will be present. .

With over 225 million potential consumers and 37% of the gross domestic product (GDP) of Latin America and the Caribbean, the Pacific Alliance is considered the eighth largest economy and the eighth largest exporter .

According to the official website, the region accounts for 52% of total trade and attracts 45% of foreign direct investment in Latin America and the Caribbean. It is estimated that it attracts 71% of automotive investment projects, 58% of textiles, clothing and fashion design, 57% of logistics and 59% of machinery and equipment, for n & # 39; 39, to mention only a few.

It is also the world's leading exporter of trout, avocados, blueberries, guavas, checks, grapes, vegetables, asparagus, copper, molybdenum, lead and zinc. Mexico's trade with Chile, Colombia and Mexico was 10 thousand 204 million dollars in 2017, of which 6 thousand 479 million dollars corresponded to exports and three thousand 725 million dollars to imports, so there There was a surplus of two thousand, 755 million dollars, according to ProMexico.

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