Trade disputes will dominate the G20 summit


The tenth G20 summit in Buenos Aires, this coming Friday and Saturday, is the first in Latin America. Argentine President Mauricio Macri, struggling with a financial crisis in his country, wants to share the problems and concerns of his continent to the 20 largest economies in the world.

"We must always be clear about the fact that we live in The experienced diplomat Pedro Villagra Delgado said that the inequality was growing more and more, instead of being reduced everywhere.

President Macri announced that "we are doing a G20 that will do something for everyone," Villagra describes.American goals.Villagra and 19 other colleagues have prepared the summit for several months, at the request of the host: "We could think it's a truism, but if you look closely, you have to make decisions to improve people's lives ",

The group of the 20 most industrialized countries in the world will talk this time about the 39, the future of work in a digital world, education, sustainable development and food security, but Villagra is aware that another subject and especially a president, the American, will dominate the scene in Buenos Aires With his po Commercial litique "The United States first," Donald Trump has beaten allies such as the EU and Canada, but also rivals like China. [19659002] Punitive tariffs and trade disputes reduce global trade, warns Christine Lagarde, Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), before the G20 summit: "This shows, without a doubt, the impact We will have In the worst case scenario, global economic performance will fall by about 0.5%, which is our badessment, which we share with all those interested in trade. "

Trump wants to reach an agreement with China

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and many others have proposed to bet on a free and fair world trade in Buenos Aires For the moment, it seems that the summit could turn around the slogan: "All against one, all against Trump".

The President of the United States, who will remain one of the two days of In Argentina, he will hardly hear such allegations. For him, it's "the United States first," as he clearly stated once again before the Thanksgiving holiday last week: international institutions such as World Trade Organization (WTO) or the G20 are rather annoying for him

Trump wants to take advantage of the Buenos Aires meeting to hold talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping, who hopes for a bilateral deal while threatening: [19659002] "We are doing very well with China, China wants to make a market at all costs, they can not say it, but they want it hard, I can impose additional tariffs of $ 250 billion. If we do not reach an agreement, believe me, I will impose them because China stole our country for many, many years, and that will not happen, "Trump told Washington.

Summits at the Summit

It is not clear whether the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, will have the opportunity to negotiate with Donald Trump on customs duties on steel and automobiles The talks initiated this summer by the transatlantic partners are stalled, Juncker rejects the US approach: "I do not like unilateralism that does not take into account the the needs of others, I will always remain a strong multilateralist, "he said in his State of the European Union speech in September.

On the sidelines of the G20 summit, a meeting of President Trump with Russian President Vladimir Putin is also scheduled. Whether or not this meeting is finally held, both parties are discussing less trade issues, but especially the INF treaty on the reduction of nuclear weapons, which Donald Trump wants to revoke, the United States accuses Russia of undermining this treaty , The Kremlin denies

Africa, education, opportunities

In addition to the "Trump show", as described by the EU diplomats, many discussions will take place in Buenos Aires on better education for young people and workers Last year, during his presidency of the G20, Germany focused on Africa.

The "Pact for Africa", approved in Hamburg, was a success, he said. The South African resident Cyril Ramaphosa, who recently visited Germany and attended a preparatory conference for the G20

Referring to the German delegation, the South African leader said: "The functioning of your system, where workers, businesses and the state work together, it was a window we could look at, we can say that we are going to learn, the lack of skills is a challenge in this regard. shortage of skilled workers in our country, so Germany can still teach us a lot. "

Training for professionals can be a model to follow, not only for Africa, but for many regions of the world. Pedro Villagra Delgado: "We show the G20 the vision of the South, the perspective of a developing country, because we are still a developing country. been in our priorities. "And these priorities are different from those of the President of the United States, he compares.

Cooperation, a Duty

Argentine hosts expect world leaders, who account for at least 80 percent of the world's economic performance, to come to something closer, despite Trump "I hope that the final document of the G20 summit shows the commitment of the powerful to work together again the good of all of us," summarizes Villagra Delgado.

The summit declaration will only be adopted on the second day, when Donald Trump will already be heading to his country, according to statements by EU diplomats prior to the summit, an agreement has been reached. For example, with the US delegation on many points, they want to reform the WTO together.

And at least one thing must be acknowledged by Trump and his people: "They have provoked many and destroyed old conflicts," says Pedro Villagra Delgado. The head of the Argentine organizing team sums up his personal motto of the G20: "The only sure thing is that everything changes, there is no static situation in the international community."


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