Transparency Board responsible for the protection of personal data


The government has defined the Transparency Council (CPLT) as the body responsible for ensuring compliance with the regulations on the processing and protection of personal data.

A measure that has been reflected in an indication that entered Tuesday to the projects with which this case is handled, and which will result in the service headed by Marcelo Drago will become the Council for Transparency and Protection Personal Data

"We have witnessed a technological explosion generated by the Internet, including social networks and other technologies, which is why the creation of the data protection authority in Chile, Through a Council for Transparency and Protection of Personal Data, is a very important step to face the challenges of modernity, "said Drago.

For the President of the CPLT is very important that this body responsible for the safeguarding of personal data in Chile is constituted, because in his opinion "the delay is deepened day after day, which we maintains in a circuit of countries to the standards completely obsolete ".

Drago c omitted that the sending of these amendments to the project that regulates the protection and processing of personal data improves the modernization of the Chilean regulatory framework and allows progress in the respect of ever higher standards.

In parallel, the president of the agency he stressed the autonomy of the CPLT and the experience and institutional capacities available to badume the functions derived from the creation of this body, as well as to lighten the exclusive dedication of the directors in the new institutionality

. In line with what has been done with several developed countries that serve as a model in terms of transparency and data protection, such as Mexico and England.

"When Chile will have a modern and robust data protection standard, it will be able to protect the most appropriate way for Chileans and Chileans, and take advantage of the economic benefits of international data transfer, which will increase trade and commerce. with countries more advanced in this field ", he concluded

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