Traumatology of Pérez Carreño does not have the residents he needs


The trauma department of Pérez Carreño Soloc Hospital has four residents out of the 16 that it should take charge of.

"There are 12 residents left to complete the service, the lack of staff tires us, we do not give the same thing.We must always duplicate our work," said Jesús González, a specialist in the field, at Efecto Cocuyo.

He badured that in 2015, they could carry out up to eight operations a day because they had staff to do it and the shortage of supplies was not so serious .

"Three years ago we could operate between seven or eight patients a day, you could put three prostheses or several nails in the operations, at that time we had staff and the lack of refueling was not so strong. "In the field of pediatrics, there were 15 docs in the past, of which only six remain active: five for the morning shift and one for the afternoon quarter.

Read more on Cocuyo Effect

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