Treasury examiners criticize the cost and financing of pension reform


Criticism of pension reform project continues to be criticized

In addition to Rodrigo Valds, two other former finance ministers of Michelle Bachelet questioned the cost and funding of pension reform presented by the government. 19659002] Nicols Eyzaguirre and Andrs Velasco criticized the legislative proposal – which provides for a tax expenditure of US $ 3,500 in cash.

In different cases, the former state secretaries in charge of public finances have indicated that the project "irresponsible" and that the financial report is suffering from a "tax populism"

This s'. adds to what Rodrigo Valds has already stated, who called the message "contradictory" of La Moneda. "On the one hand, the government says the financial situation is near and that it will spend 3,500 million US dollars for the reform," commented Valds.

Nicols Eyzaguirre entered the debate and said that, as it was proposed, pension reform "is totally irresponsible".

This, because of the amount of tax expenditures that this entails in the future and which has been presented with a tax cut for the richest, which is tax reinstatement, "Frankly, I do not I do not know how it goes, "he told Radio Cooperativa

," He also said that what is done in the future "is particularly disturbing. "

" What you can not do is promise more spending. there is a more important pillar of solidarity, namely $ 3,500 million, and at the same time, lower general taxes, this is populism, "said Mr. Eyzaguirre.

For his part, head of the finance portfolio of the first Bachelet government, Andrs Velasco, pointed out that it is not very clear when to consider the cost of the pension project. "They report about $ 3.5 billion a year ? In six months? The financial report is not clear, any more than the statements of the government, "said Velasco at a seminar organized by the University of Chile.

" We are entering a kind of populism and there are several projects running there, "added the current Dean of the School of Public Policies at the London School of Economics.

However, the criticism of the former presidential candidate of the ministry "We are in a dimension where we have an important institutional weakness.The quality of the Treasury's financial reports should be better than it is The quality of our pension debate is very high, "

Minister Larran defends the cost of reform

After criticizing former secretaries of state, the Minister of Finance intervened to defend the proposal. Felipe Larran said that the financial report clearly indicates, when compared to the report on public finances, that the project is fully funded by the shortcomings that the government will have for the next few years, so it is exactly the same. ; reverse. [19659002] "This is a project that has absolute fiscal responsibility," said Larran.

The Minister of Finance also asked not to confuse public opinion and explained that its cost, valued at 3,500 million US dollars, is an expense for the following year: " These are the figures that appear ten years after its implementation.

In addition, Larran – believing that his critics were also in charge – responded by saying that the questions would be the same as saying that the 2008 pension plan of Michelle Bachelet's first government "was also irresponsible "because there remained $ 3 billion to be financed for the following years.

Finally, Larran states: "I wish to reaffirm the absolute responsibility of the pension plan presented by our government."

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