Trump allegedly suggested to Macron that France should leave the European Union | International


At its meeting in April at the White House, US President Donald Trump proposed to his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, to take his country out of the European Union, the Washington Post said Friday. do not leave the EU? ", said Trump to Macron, who has a clear position in favor of the bloc, according to a press article quoting two European leaders as sources.

In the same vein Trump would have offered to Macron, in exchange for his departure from the EU, a favorable agreement with the United States, at least commercially, said the Washington Post.

The content of this conversation was confirmed at the Agence France- Presse for a Diplomatic Source

Trump has stepped up his attacks against the EU in recent months, denouncing what he regards as unfair trade practices, particularly in the automotive sector.

Europ It was created, of course, to enjoy the United States, "he said Wednesday night at a rally in North Dakota.

Chosen under the slogan "United States first", Trump often attacks multilateral organizations and criticizes

At the recent G7 summit in Canada, he told his allies that the Alliance Atlantic was as bad as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which threatened to crush it. 19659003] In this context of strong tensions with his allies, Trump will participate on July 11 and 12 in Brussels at the NATO summit, before meeting a few days later with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki

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