Trump and Putin will have their summit in Helsinki on July 16


The meeting takes place in one of the worst moments since the Cold War; They agreed to talk about security issues and the overall approach. They will talk about security issues and the global agenda

WASHINGTON.- In one of the worst moments since the Cold War, but of great personal affinity between the two leaders, the President American Donald Trump and Russian Vladimir Putin agreed yesterday "The two leaders will discuss relations between the United States and Russia, as well as the overall national security problems," said a spokesman for the White House

. The Kremlin in front of the UN, Vbadily Nebenzia, was enthusiastic about the meeting. "This is only the beginning and should be followed by more dialogue at all levels, not just presidential," he said. "The summit was necessary for a long time, and we have to talk about many problems not only of our two countries, but of interest to the rest of the world," added Nebenzia

Trump had planned the day before yesterday that the meeting bilateral summit of the leaders of NATO that will take place on July 11 and 12 in Brussels, and that the capital of Finland was a possible scenario.

The summit was now confirmed for the day after the last match of the World Football Championship, which is up to here a public relations success for Russia, its hostess.

The agenda of the summit will be "mainly on relations" between Washington and Moscow, which should be improved, but "we can not avoid problems like Syria or Ukraine," said the Kremlin representative to the UN

"It's hard to say if we are in a new cold war, because we are living at a different time," said Nebenzia, who also chairs Security Council

"I would not talk about the cold war, we have to use a different qualifier, but what is happening today is certainly not pleasant," he said. The diplomat reiterated that we live today in a different world, but "we hope that common sense will prevail, we need pragmatic relations with an important country" like the United States.

Distanciation in relations became more serious with the annexation of Crimea. part of Russia, in 2014, and dangerously aggravated as a result of the conflict in Syria, where Moscow militarily supports the government of Bashar al-Assad.

However, Trump does not save verbal artillery against blocks traditionally allied with Washington, such as the G-7 and NATO, which have tense relations with Russia

when A recent G-7 meeting, Trump said that NATO was "as bad" as the North American Free Trade Agreement. (Nafta), and insisted that European countries must pay more for this military alliance.

It is not even excluded that at the Atlantic meeting in Brussels that will precede this summit, the American will reiterate the pressure for his European partners to increase their quota and update their payments.

Until now, Trump and Putin had coincided only in international events, but now they will have the opportunity to talk face to face after a coincidental negotiation, it lasted for months.

The agreement to hold this summit was closed the day before yesterday in a visit to Moscow by the White House National Security Advisor, John Bolton

Putin, who received Bolton at the Kremlin, He said to expect at least "a few first steps to restore full relationships", ensuring that he has never "sought a confrontation."

"Unfortunately, we must recognize that Russian-US relations are not optimal". it was the "result of a tough political struggle in the United States."

On the domestic front, a special US prosecutor investigates whether in the presidential elections In 2016, the Trump campaign committee badociated with Russian officials to influence the outcome.

AFP and Reuters Agencies

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