Trump attacks with force: The United States will impose tariffs on more than 6031 products of China in the trade war


The government of President Donald Trump is preparing tariffs for $ 200 billion worth of Chinese products ranging from anti-theft alarms to mackerel, according to a list of products released Tuesday by the office of the US Trade Representative. 19659002] The list contains over 6,031 product lines and offers a 10% tariff on them. This measure would intensify the trade war between the two largest economies in the world

The agency will listen to public comments and hold hearings on the plan from August 20 to 23, and make a decision after August 31, has indicated a government official.

Last Friday, the United States imposed duties of 25% to 34 billion dollars on Chinese products and Beijing responded by taxing an equivalent amount of US products.

Federal said the new levies are a response to China's decision to fight back against the first round of US tariffs.

President Trump has threatened to tax up to $ 550 billion in Chinese goods, an amount that exceeds the total of Chinese products exported to the United States last year.

Washington accuses China of using abusive practices to overcome the technological mastery of the United States. Such practices include cyber-theft, and compel US companies to provide technology as a condition of access to the Chinese market.

The first US tariff list focused on Chinese industrial products in an attempt to limit the impact on the Chinese consumer. Country. By expanding the list, the government is starting to affect the products that families buy, including lamps and fish sticks.

"The tariff of 200,000 million dollars in Chinese products is equivalent to another tax of millions of dollars. said Scott Lincicome, commercial lawyer and senior badyst for Republican group Fighting Tariffs (Republicans fighting rates). "Given the likelihood of Chinese retaliation, they also represent billions of new tariffs for US exporters."

Congressmen question the president's aggressive trade policies and warn that tariffs on imports raise prices. "Tonight's announcement seems reckless and is not a specific approach," said Orrin Hatch, chair of the Senate Finance Committee, in a statement.

"We can not turn a blind eye to China's mercantilist trading practices, but this is far from a strategy that gives the government an edge in the negotiations with China while preserving health and safety. long-term prosperity. " term of the American economy "

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