Trump begins official visit to London in the midst of demonstrations


MEXICO (AP) – US President Donald Trump arrived in London today for a four-day visit, shortly after questioning British Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit plan.

also marked by hostile demonstrations, reported AFP Agency.

Trump arrived at London's Stansted Airport, where he participated in a NATO summit in which he again snubbed his hostess, who shortly before he had presented "I do not know they voted for it, "said Mr Trump at a press conference in Brussels. "People voted to separate (from the European Union), so I guess that's what they're going to do, but maybe they're taking a different path" , he added.

This plan led to the resignation of the two most famous eurosceptics. Government: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Boris Johnson – friend of Trump – and Brexit negotiating manager, David Davis.

Although he stays at Winfield House, the residence of the United States Ambbadador near Regent Park in central London, his program avoids the British capital, where protests will be concentrated.

Thus, meetings with Prime Minister Theresa May and Queen Elizabeth II will be held in Checkers Mansion and Windsor Castle, respectively,

The President and his wife Melania will attend today a Gala dinner with businessmen at Blenheim Palace, a country house near Oxford where, in 1874, Winston Churchill, Prime Minister was born hard before World War II

Trump and May will give a press conference tomorrow and, on Sunday, the US president will travel to Helsinki to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday.

The British government is eager to demonstrate that there is a life beyond the European Union and that the famous "special relationship" with the United States could result in ambitious trade agreements, a desire that coincides with the presence at the White House of a protectionist American president

the European Union will begin to chart a new direction for the United Kingdom in the world, and our global alliances will be more stronger than ever, "said May of the trip.

" There is no stronger alliance than our special relationship with the United States. and there will be no bigger alliance in the years to come, "he added.
US Ambbadador to London Woody Johnson said that" the most important alliance in the coming years ", he said. trade agreement It will be "a major priority" for Trump when the Brexit takes place in March 2019.

Trump does not bite his tongue and has already staged several snobs in May.

So, Ambbadador Johnson had to leave on Wednesday, another controversial statement from Trump, baduring that the UK is living "in the middle of a storm."

"It's a very self-confident country, a very capable country . We have full confidence in the UK's ability to solve the Brexit problem and move on, "said the ambbadador to the BBC

. According to a YouGov poll released Thursday, 77% of Britons have an opinion. Against Trump, 74% consider him a badist and 63% a racist.

Nearly half of the 6448 respondents believe that the Queen should not receive him.

A giant balloon depicting Donald Trump as Baby Lies Floats in the London Sky during his visit, after Mayor Sadiq Khan, who staged several clashes in social media with the President, given his authorization.

  The six-meter long balloon will be located 30 meters high near Parliament. Photo: AP / Matt Dunham

The six-meter-long balloon will be located 30 meters up near Parliament. Photo: AP / Matt Dunham

In an article published in Evening Standard, Khan writes that the special relationship "also means expressing ourselves when we think that a party is not up to the standards. values ​​that we value so much. "

Like many Londoners, I think that's one of those opportunities," he said.

The six-meter-long balloon will be located 30 meters from height near Parliament, between 09:30 and 11:00 (08:00) 30-10,30 GMT) Friday

This afternoon, there will be a big protest in London under the theme "United against Trump", in addition to many acts here and there
"We will organize a major national demonstration against its policy of badist, racist, war, hate and climate change denial," said the organizers of the demonstration

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