Trump claims that he has expressed badly about Russian interference


President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that he agreed to the conclusion of intelligence bodies on Russian interference in the 2016 elections, with the aim of extinguishing the political fire caused by his statements of the day before on the subject. "I accept the conclusion of our intelligence community that Russia's interference in the 2016 elections has occurred," Trump told the White House, a sentence that constitutes a turning point decisive to escape the consternation generated Monday. After his summit with the Russian Vladimir Putin

In a press conference after the summit, Trump had declared that he saw no "reasons" for Russia to intervene in the elections, erasing a coup the conviction of the US intelligence agencies

This episode had left Trump in a virtually complete isolation in the United States, and turned into white In an attempt to defuse the crisis, Trump claimed that he "s & # 39; Is poorly expressed "at the press conference with Putin.

"I said no I did not see why it should have been Russia, but I should have said that there was no reason for that to happen I thought it would not be so clear with a double negative, "Trump argued as an explanation

Admission … but not so much

But even his supposed acceptance of the intelligence findings on the interference Russia was qualified on Tuesday, which surprisingly added that "it could have been other people too, there are a lot of people there."

According to the US president, even though Russian interference in the presidential elections is admitted, "the actions of Russia have had no impact on the results" of the elections.

Tuesday morning amidst a series of criticisms, Trump had badured on Twitter that his meeting with Putin had been "even better" than the summit with NATO's state leaders which was held on Friday in Brussels.

On Tuesday morning, the tension in Washington was of such magnitude that Conservative Senator Bob Corker said in a tweet: "It was time for Congress to stand up and regain our authority. "

In a more delicate position, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, said at a press conference that" it is very clear "that Russia is in a state of affairs. is ingested in the presidential elections of 2016. 19659005] "I understand the desire that we have good relations.C is perfectly reasonable.But Russia is a threatening government that does not share our interests and does not share our values "Ryan said.

This concrete does not dry

The subtlety of Ryan was put aside by Anthony Scaramucci, consultant in 2017 He was head of the press of the White House for a week, before being sent back for the vulgarity of his comments.

According to Scaramucci, Trump "must change course immediately and he must leave where he is immediately, before the concrete dries at his feet."

"The prospect of this situation is a disaster," admitted the former manager, who claims to be still loyal to Trump.

Republican MP Adam Kizinger, meanwhile, told reporters that "it was really a bad day for the president.It was a shameful press conference."

According to Kizinger, Trump must offer a direct message to the country about what he thinks, not about the Twitter network.

Only a Republican senator took the defense of Trump.

Here is Rand Paul, leader of the Republican Party's "libertarian" trend and who has opposed various White House bills because they are not conservative enough.

For Paul, the critics to the president are "Republican warmongers" or simply anti-Trump. "Everyone is motivated by his persistent and constant feeling against the president," he said.

In response, Trump came back on the Twitter network for special thanks: "Thanks, Rand Paul!" Regarding the NATO summit, which was held Friday in Brussels, Trump said Tuesday that the countries that make up the block "will pay hundreds of millions of dollars more in the future (in military spending), only thanks to me."

were dissatisfied with the other leaders, but they never mention the money! ", he defended himself

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