Trump expects to be only 24 hours in Argentina


The President of the United States will arrive in Buenos Aires on the evening of the 29th to participate in the G-20; the Argentine government wanted his stay to be longer Source: Archivo

WASHINGTON.- The President of the United States,

Donald Trump
arrive in Buenos Aires in the night of Thursday evening 29 to participate in the summit of the leaders of the G-20 and will leave 24 hours later, after the gala dinner at the Teatro Colón, they announced
THE NATION Senior Officials Related to Negotiations Relating to the Visit of the Republican President

In principle, it was reported that Trump arrived early Thursday and would stay until Saturday noon on December 1st. However, he would have resolved in the last hours the advancement of his departure from Buenos Aires, before the possibility of traveling to Mexico to attend the inauguration of President-elect, Andrés López Obrador.

The agenda of the American president changes hour after hour. and anything that has been negotiated and armed by the White House and State Department teams can disappear in an instant thanks to Trump's mood swings, acknowledged a senior official.

According to sources consulted in this city by
THE NACION The North American President will travel with his wife Melania Trump and will arrive in Buenos Aires in the night of Thursday 29. The agenda they manage is reduced to 24 hours of stay to participate meetings and some bilateral meetings. These meetings include a meeting with

Mauricio Macri
and also with the Chinese leader

Xi Jinping

In the administration of Mauricio Macri, the expectation, and even the negotiations on the agenda with his North American counterparts, was that Trump could stay longer in Buenos Areas to hold larger meetings and with a larger program. But changes in plans would require a little more than a handshake, sources said. The original idea was that the American president arrives Thursday in Buenos Aires for lunch or dinner with Macri

but Trump will not be the only leader in Buenos Aires at that time. On Friday the 30th, when the summit will begin – officially ends on the 1st at noon – the 20 most important leaders of the world, including that of Russia, Vladimir Putin, will be in the Argentine capital; China, Xi Jinping; France, Emmanuel Macron; Great Britain, Theresa May and Japan, Shinzo Abe. With this constellation of leaders, the bilateral at the summit will be very limited, confessed the sources.

Until last night, according to White House information available in Washington, the Republican President, who had lost control of the House yesterday Representatives in the hands of Democrats but strengthened his caucus in the Senate at the mid-term elections, will remain on Argentine soil.

Arrive late Thursday and dedicate 30 to the summit, attend the Gala at the Colon Theater and the subsequent dinner in the same theater, which Macri and his wife Juliana Awada will offer to the guest conductors. Trump's intention is to greet the staff of the US Embbady and leave for the airport, sources said.

One of the reasons for a return Friday night would be to help Mexico take control of Lopez. Obrador This information has not been confirmed, nor has it been rejected. Those who confirmed his presence were Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who will also attend the G-20 summit with Trump. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto will attend the summit for a few hours and leave Friday afternoon to give power to his successor, López Obrador, a few hours later.

Both at the Embbady of Buenos Aires in this city that the United States in Buenos Aires did not provide information on the state of progress of the efforts of Mr. Trump's visit, as they stated that nothing would be closed until the last moment.

The United States negotiates with China a meeting of Mr. Trump with Xi Jinping. First, it was scheduled to take place on the night of Thursday evening 29th, then at Trump's request, he would have been summoned to a dinner on December 1st, after the closing of the G-20, and now seems to be limit to a smaller meeting during the preparation of the summit. . On Thursday, the two leaders maintained a telephone dialogue and decided to meet in Buenos Aires, according to the South China Morning Post.

The intention of the Macrist administration is that, at the meeting with Trump, Macri officially thanked the support provided during the currency crisis. this resulted in an agreement with the International Monetary Fund, and increased the amount of financial badistance. The list of topics for discussion also includes the possible entry of Argentina into the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD); the critical political and social situation in Venezuela and Nicaragua and the cooperation program for energy and security.

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