Trump fires a salvo of tariffs in his war against China


The United States will dismiss Thursday at midnight a salvo of tariffs on Chinese goods imported for tens of billions of dollars in the context of the trade war between the largest economies in the world.

Beijing has already announced that it will respond "immediately" to impose similar tariffs on US exports in a sort of spiral of sanctions that sows the alarm in the global economy. "

A survey released on Thursday showed that the US service sector is already suffering from international commercial prosecutions because Tariff measures increase costs and affect the production chain.

"We started to see signs of inflation, not very severe but ultimately inflationary, "said Anthony Nieves, of the IMS Business Institute

.The strength of the US economy will overcome the trance much better than its rivals, even when the conflict worsens more

But economists also say that the growth of both economies is already starting to weaken and increase risks.

The escalation has already affected the 3 & # 1; 9, economy, with current rates for steel and aluminum imported. of its major trading partners, including the European Union and Canada. In addition, the White House threatens to impose tariffs on imports of motor vehicles.

Prices are rising, especially for steel and aluminum, and American companies are already reluctant to invest or export their production. avoid retaliation against US exports

Trump said the measures are aimed at benefiting US companies, which, according to his view, could become more competitive.

But for companies like Mid-Continent Nail Corporation – The country's biggest nail industry – rising steel prices accounted for an immediate reduction in jobs and the company feared to be forced to stop working

Since Friday

Trump has threatened China% to goods for 50,000 million dollars a year and that Washington considers a theft of American technology.

But the list was reduced to a smaller amount of products, for more than $ 34,000 million, after US companies demanded exemptions for key imports.

A second part of the property valued at $ 16,000 million – bringing the total to $ 50,000 – will be badyzed after a review process and public comment, something that could decrease the total.

Rates point to Chinese products that for Washington are unfairly marketed. Pbadenger cars, radio transmitters, airplane parts and computer hard drives are all part of this list.

Beijing will retaliate on Friday with tariffs that will initially affect a US $ 30 billion equivalent of US goods. Among other things, vehicles and food and agricultural products, such as soybeans, will be taxed, which will hit US farmers hard.

The remaining $ 15,000 million would be a second phase, which would include crude oil, propane gas and chemicals. 19659005] In addition to tariffs, the dispute includes the examination of Chinese investments in the United States that Washington considers sensitive to the economy or national security. "China will not give in to threats or blackmail," Chinese Ministry of Commerce spokesman Gao Feng said on Thursday (19659005). This commercial war, we do not want but we have no choice but to fight.

Economic Threat

Economists have warned for months against the potential damage that Trump's protectionism can cause to trade and the global economy. This policy can increase prices and affect international distribution chains.

Washington gave little credit to these concerns. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross said the warnings were "premature and probably very imprecise".

But American businessmen strongly warn against the harms to which they claim to be exposed.

The influential United States Chamber of Commerce urged Trump to reconsider his actions. He argued that tariffs now affect exports amounting to 75,000 million and threatening thousands of jobs.

While Trump is bragging about job creation announcements in steel mills because of tariffs, manufacturing industries warn that more jobs will be lost in the auto, auto parts automobiles, household appliances and other goods that depend on imported components.

A study indicates that 400,000 jobs could be lost.

Harley Davidson, the iconic brand of American motorcycles move some of their production out of the country to avoid the tariffs that the European Union will apply in retaliation. This determination by Harley Davidson has made her the target of Trump attacks.

Harley Davidson is not alone. Other companies claim that uncertainty is delaying their investment plans, according to a survey by the Institute for Supply Management business group

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