Trump hardens his threats against the press


He collided with reporters, described as "stupid" the questions of a journalist and did not rule out the cancellation of new pbadages. Credit: Susan Walsh / AP

with the cancellation of access to the White House by a correspondent of

CNN channel
the president

Donald Trump
returned yesterday to
the accusation against the press. She considered the questions that one journalist was asking her "stupid", to another she personally called her "loser", and
threatened to withdraw other credentials from journalists.

In a tense 20-minute exchange with reporters shortly before his departure for Paris for a commemorative ceremony of the First World War, the president based his latest decisions on relations with journalists. journalism. He defined the White House as "a sacred place" and said that journalists do not "treat the office of the president with respect."

In this sense, he defended the
Revocation of the press title granted to CNN correspondent Jim Acosta.

"He's a very unprofessional guy, I do not think he's an intelligent person, but he's very vocal," he said. He added that he had not yet decided whether the Acosta pbad would be reinstated. He argued that the government had not "manipulated" the official video in which Acosta is seen struggling with a trainee at the White House during Wednesday's press conference.

"This is only a big plan," he said. at the moment we see Acosta move away from the arm of the internal, but does not understand the previous moment in which it is the internal who takes the arm to Acosta. Trump also hinted that there "could be other people" whose identification information would be removed.

According to local sources, Trump targets newspapers.
The New York Times and
The Washington Post .

At the same press conference held yesterday in the White House gardens, he was confronted by another CNN journalist, Abby Phillip, who asked him if the latest changes to the Attorney General's office was trying to stop the Russiagate investigations. The president stared Phillip for a few seconds, hesitated and replied that it was "a stupid question". Then he pointed it out and added that it did not attract attention because "you always ask a lot of silly questions".

In his diatribe yesterday against the press, he also launched an attack on journalist April Ryan, a correspondent for Urban Radio Networks, who was not there, but whom he told defined as "loser" and "unpleasant", "someone who does not know what he is doing"

Ryan, who also contributes to CNN, tweeted Answer: "J & # I love this country and I have the greatest respect for the president's office, I will continue to ask the questions that affect

throughout the country. "

Trump's new attacks on the press occur after the demands of several reporters and press organizations – including the American Society of News Directors, the PA media directors and the press. Association of Correspondents of the White House – to return to Acosta its accreditation of access to the presidential residence.

"The essential function of a free press in any democracy is to collect and bring back independently from the public interest information. , a right enshrined in the First Amendment (of the Constitution), "said Julie Pace, head of the PA's correspondent agency in Washington .We strongly reject the idea of ​​a government blocking journalists' access to the House, Blanca, "he said.

AP and ANSA Agencies

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