Trump includes Russia among the "enemies" of the United States. before the summit with Putin


In the run-up to his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, one of the most-awaited summits of the last time, President Donald Trump warmed the atmosphere by describing Russia as the world's best. one of the "enemies" of the United States, in an appointment already tarnished by the investigation into the Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential elections.

Trump arrived yesterday afternoon in Helsinki in the presidential plane Air Force One, which landed at the international airport of the Finnish capital of Scotland. The President has been received with protests for and against his presence in the country of Northern Europe.

Before starting his European tour, Trump had predicted that the Helsinki scene, where he will meet Putin, will be the "simplest." But his latest statements could soften the hopes of distension between Washington and Moscow.

In a CBS interview broadcast in part yesterday, Trump believed that Russia, the European Union (EU) and China were for various reasons "enemies". "I think we have a lot of enemies, I think the European Union is an enemy, because of what they do to us in trade, Russia is an enemy on some aspects, China is an economic enemy, they are certainly an enemy But that does not mean that they are bad, it does not mean anything, it means that they are competitive, "said Trump in l & 39. Interview to be published today

The meeting in Finland is perhaps the most awaited of the year, after June 12th between Trump himself and the North Korean leader, Kim Jong- one, in Singapore, but the President of the United States .It's going with little optimism. "I'm not going with high expectations, but I believe that we need to have meetings with Russia, the China or North Korea, nothing bad will happen, and maybe something good will come out. "

Before leaving Scotland, Trump said on his account Tw itter: "I hope to meet the President (Putin) tomorrow (today)". He added: "Unfortunately, regardless of the results achieved at the summit (…), I will be critical when I return saying that it was not enough."

After his political visits to Brussels and London, marked by severe attacks on his NATO allies and against British Prime Minister Theresa May, Trump will meet with the leader of a country with which United States maintain many friction points that include the annexation of the Ukrainian Peninsula from Crimea by Moscow in March 2014, Russia's interference in the 2016 US presidential elections, the support of Russia to the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad, and more.

Russia, for its part, refutes any interference in the elections, as well as denies its responsibility in poisoning with a neurotxic agent of the former Russian Sergui Skripal and his daughter Yulia in March in southwestern England

The hack

The other thorny issue that was imposed at the last minute this rendezvous C is the imputation of 12 Russian intelligence agents in the investigation for a cyberattack against the servers of the campaign of the Democratic Hillary Clinton who intends to influence the presidential elections of 2016.

Trump said yesterday to inform him of the extradition of Russian agents "I had not thought about it, but I would certainly ask, but again, it was under the administration (of his predecessor, Barack) Obama, that it was not. they did anything during the Obama administration, "insisted the president at CBS.

"I do not expect Putin to comment (the case of the agents), except to try to reject it, but now it is harder for him to do so because the accusation states clearly the facts, "says Paul Stronski, an badyst at Carnegie Endowment for International. Peace

The expert in Russia and Eurasia believes that the "accusation" clearly shows that the United States has strong evidence of Russian interference and that it will probably keep alive "The investigation of Robert Mueller, the special prosecutor who investigates the role of Moscow in the 2016 US elections.

A doubt that arises is how much this case of the 12 agents in the bilateral can influence. William Courtney, a Russian expert of the Rand Corporation and a former US ambbadador to Kazakhstan and Georgia, believes that the survey "has little or no impact on Russian-US relations", which were largely affected by other problems, they will also be played at the top, such as the Russian aggression in Ukraine, the interference in the 2016 elections or the violation by Russia of the Treaty on Intermediate Nuclear Forces ( INF) of 1988 during the development and deployment of a banned land cruise missile

Putin and Trump meet at first alone with their interpreters at the presidential palace of 39. Helsinki, before joining their respective delegations for a working lunch. The end of a joint press conference.

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