Trump negotiates with motorcycle manufacturers to move to the United States


The company has announced that it plans to move some of its production out of the country because of tariffs imposed by Europe.

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, badured today that his government is negotiating with international motorcycle manufacturing companies.

"Now that Harley-Davidson is moving some of its operations out of the United States, my administration is working with other motorcycle companies that want to move to the United States. tweeted Trump, who was very critical of the prestigious motorcycle manufacturer based in Milwaukee (Wisconsin, USA).

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Harley-Davidson announced last week that it plans to move some of its production from the country following recently imposed tariffs by the European Union (EU), a As Brussels took to counter the taxes applied by Washing

After this announcement, the president blamed Harley harshly and threatened to impose "a big tax" on his sales in the United States.

In his tweet today, Trump stated that Harley-Davidson customers "They are not happy with their transfer" and pointed out that the company's sales "have dropped 7% in 2017 ", that is to say a figure before it is made public that Harley will move some of its production. The United States is where the action is! ", Trump added.

The motorcycle maker said Monday that the increase in international production to ease the EU 's tariff burden" is not the preference of the ". business, but represents the only sustainable option. "

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The detailed address that motorcycles that export to the EU from the United States now have an average cost of $ 2,220 more, c & # This is why they decided that it is more efficient to manufacture them outside the country.

According to Harley-Davidson data, 40,000 people from the EU bought their motorcycles in 2017 Europe in the second source of income of the company behind the United States

EU-imposed tariffs on various products manufactured in the country, such as motorcycles or whiskey, came into effect on June 22 and have increased the tax on Harley-Davidsons exported "from 6% to 31%", said the company.

The EU has applied this sanction after the Trump government decided in early June to end the 25% tariff exemption for steel and 10% for aluminum, granted in p its main trading partners are the EU, Mexico and Canada.

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