Trump proposes a new ambassador to Managua • El Nuevo Diario


The White House reported that President Donald Trump appointed Kevin Sullivan as ambbadador to Nicaragua, replacing Laura Dogu, who is already out of office.

Sullivan, a native of the state of Ohio, is the second US delegation to the Organization of American States (OAS).

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In a Twitter message, Ambbadador Laura F. Dogu also reported that Kevin K. Sullivan was proposed by President Trump, to succeed him in the office. 19659002]  Kevin Sullivan

"The White House announced today (Wednesday) the intention to appoint Kevin Sullivan as my successor," said Dogu in his tweet

"I am currently in Nicaragua with my team working for a more democratic and prosperous future for Nicaragua and the United States."

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Dogu arrived in Nicaragua in September 2015, replacing Phyllis Powers.

 Donald Trump, President of the United States.

The diplomatic movements that the United States government intends to conduct, in different embbadies of the world, including that of Managua.

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He also explained that American ambbadadors are appointed by the president and must be confirmed by the Senate.

"It is normal for civil servants to be ambbadadors for foreign service between two and three years as ambbadadors in each country," he said. [ad_2]
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