Trump provokes alarm to US intelligence leader


The National Director of Intelligence (DNI), Dan Coats, was astonished on Thursday when he learned live that the White House had invited Russian President Vladimir Putin to Washington, an article that was going on. He reacted with sarcastic badurance that it will be "something special."

"Repeat, I heard you … well, this is going to be something special," Coats told a surprise reporter when reporter Andrea Mitchell, who moderated in the Aspen Security forum, asked her he knew the invitation ordered by US President Donald Trump a few minutes earlier.

In addition to these words, his smile and a deep sigh showed that the chief of American espionage could hardly believe what he was hearing.

Although Coats attended a White House Cabinet meeting on Thursday, in which Trump allegedly had to inform his team of his European tour, during which he held a private meeting with Putin in Helsinki on Monday. , the director of DNI said that he did not yet know the content of this meeting.

16, Coats was already monopolizing many covers to defend the work of the country's intelligence agencies a few minutes after the US president. questioned his reliability during the joint press conference that he offered with Putin in Helsinki.

The words of the White House tenant caused such commotion that Trump himself had to step out of his previous statements and make sure that he had expressed "bad" when he said that he saw no reason why the Kremlin might have wanted to prosper in the last elections, as denounced by the FBI, the CIA and ID.

Coats wanted to give credit to the president today This clarification by not wanting to "go further" at the time of the comment, but wished that Trump "made a different statement."

Finally, the official insisted that Moscow tried to falsify the presidential elections of 2018 and held that although other actors have the opportunity to try to do so, it is "undeniable "that the Kremlin directed the operation. "

" Essentially, they are the ones trying to undermine our values. more fundamental and move us away from our allies. They are the ones trying to wreak havoc on our electoral process, "concludes Coats

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