Trump reaches an agreement with the European Union to lower trade barriers – International


  Trump reaches an agreement with the European Union to lower trade barriers

The President of the United States met the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, at the White House. Tvn

25.07 .2018

US President Donald Trump said Wednesday after a meeting with the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, that they were d & # 39; agreement to work to reduce trade barriers

"We have agreed today (Wednesday), first of all, working together towards zero tariffs zero non-tariff barriers and zero subsidies for non-automotive industrial products "Trump told reporters at the White House with Juncker at his side

" We will also work to reduce barriers and increase trade in services, chemicals , pharmaceuticals, medical products and soybeans " he added.

The EU will increase 20] "immediately" its purchases of American soybeans, said Trump who on his side, promised to review the rates he imposed on the company. steel and aluminum imported from Europe.

Trump estimated after the meeting with Juncker in the White House that relations with the EU has entered "a new phase".

With the information of AFP and Reuters


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