Trump says his meeting with Putin was a "very good start" – International


Trump badures that his meeting with Putin was a "very good start"

Under strict security measures began the planned meeting between the two leaders in the Finnish capital.

The presidents of the United States and Russia began Monday in Helsinki, his first summit, during which Donald Trump declared that he yearned for an "extraordinary" relationship and Vladimir Putin said that it was time to talk about the substantive issues.

"I think we will have the An extraordinary relationship" and "understanding well with Russia is a good thing" declared Trump while for its part, Putin urged "to talk about our relationships and world problems. "


"I am very happy that we are here", "the time has come to talk about our deep relationships," said Vladimir Putin

. Donald Trump said his meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Monday in Helsinki was a "very good start" given their joint efforts to ease tensions between Washington and Moscow.

I think it's a good start, very, very good start " Trump told reporters after this historic meeting that lasted more than two hours in a hall of the presidential palace of the Finnish capital and then to their respective delegations to hold further discussions before a joint press conference.


The two leaders met after noon at the presidential palace located in the heart of the Finnish capital, which has a long tradition as the seat of the East-West summits

On the agenda, there is no There is a meeting in person with their respective translators, a working lunch with their teams and a joint press conference.

In development …


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