Trump says negotiations with North Korea are going well


WASHINGTON.- US President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that negotiations with Pyongyang are on track, a few days before Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, North Korea to promote a denuclearization plan for the Asian country.

"Many good conversations with North Korea – are going well!" He wrote Trump on his Twitter account.

He even said that there had been no nuclear test in the last eight months and that "Asia is delighted."

And he badured that "If it were not for me, now we would be at war with North Korea!"

The US president met North Korean leader Kim Jong-un last month in a process of denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

After the summit, North Korea drastically reduced his speech against Washington in recent months to create a more conciliatory environment and avoid the failure of attempts on both sides to reduce tensions and d & # 39; To intensify the dialogue.

The State Press of North Korea broadcast large-scale texts, photographs, and videos of the June 12 encounter between Trump and Kim in Singapore.

Many good conversations with North Korea – it's going well! In the meantime, no rocket launch or nuclear test in 8 months. All of Asia is delighted. Only the opposition party, which includes the false news, complains. If I do not want, I would be at war with North Korea!

– Donald J. Trump (@ realDonaldTrump) 3 July 2018


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