Trump: USA plans to arrest asylum seekers "for years in huge tent cities"



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Trump stepped up his message against illegal immigration before the mid-term elections.

US President Donald Trump announced on Thursday that his government is preparing a change in the way they handle asylum claims under which the applicants will be detained "for years" in "d & # 39; Huge cities under tents ". until their case is resolved.

"We are going to catch them, we are going to keep them locked up until the hearing on asylum or expulsion ," he said. he said at a meeting with reporters at the White House. 19659007] "We will lock them up for a long time if necessary, we will install temporary facilities, and finally people will not come when they realize that they can not go out," he added.

  • United States announces the deployment of 5,200 military on the Mexican border for migrant caravans
  • "We do not want asylum in Mexico, we only want to cross": a caravan of migrants crosses the barrier between Mexico and Guatemala

In the United States, asylum seekers were released under a conditional order called which allowed them to remain in the country until the trial on their status of immigrant.

According to Trump, the change is due to the fact that many of these people no longer report to trials where their immigrant status is badyzed and "disappears".

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The President announced that his Government will refuse asylum to persons entering the United States of America United States outside legal entry points.

Among other measures, the President also indicated that his government would deny asylum to persons entering the United States outside legal entry points .

"Those who choose to break our laws and enter illegally will no longer be able to use their unfounded claims to be automatically admitted to our country," he said.

United States Immigration and Nationality Act. It states that any immigrant entering that country may apply for asylum, whether or not they have entered through a designated entry point.

Sight Elections

The announcement of the President takes place in the midst of an upsurge in his speech against immigration following the mid-term elections of November 6, and then In mid-October, caravans of thousands of people from Central America began to move to the United States.

"These illegal caravans will not be allowed in the United States and should be overthrown now," said Trump, who described "invasion" as the arrival of immigrants at the border. "

Figures released by the government indicate that in 2018, about 400,000 people were arrested at the border, compared with 1.6 million in 2000.

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Caravan is formed mainly by Hondurans.

Trump, who announced this week that he would send more than 15,000 troops to the border to block the caravan, said Thursday that the military would be able to shoot at migrants' They were attacked.

"If someone throws rocks or stones – as in Mexico – he can be killed because he hits you with a stone in his face …" he said. said.

The announcement of the measures takes place a few days before the mid-term elections in the United States.

In elections, this party will hold the majority of seats in both houses of Congress, which are now they control the Republicans.

This week again, the President badured that he would seek to obtain a decree entitled to American citizenship for children born in the country of parents without citizenship or illegal immigrants.

A poll conducted by Fox News, a conservative media outlet that supports Trump, revealed last month that voters likely to vote in the November elections would be more interested in issues such as health insurance than immigration or border security

"The president is trying to change the situation in favor of illegal immigration.If he can not, this choice will be fought on a difficult terrain to Republicans, "recently told BBC Anthony Zurcher, an American badyst at the World Bank. BBC.

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