Twelve new cases of HIV / AIDS are recorded in the first half of 2018 in Aysén


The year 2017 was 23, while this year this figure could be higher. Faced with the evidence, the authorities call for responsible badual behavior and prepare a new regional education strategy.
Aysen.- Twelve cases of HIV / AIDS have been recorded in the region of Aysén until now in 2018, a situation that worries the health authorities, since in recent years the figure has increased , above all among young people between 15 and 29 years old. So much so that though until 2017 the youngest case in the region was at the age of 16, the case of a 15 year old was known in recent weeks.
"One of the big challenges The Ministry of Health, which is going to be its fighting flag, has to do with all the badually transmitted diseases, communicable diseases that are part of the national health strategy, which is about to be completed in 2020 and, therefore, that this region, in collaboration with the Regional Integrated Response Council, aims to work with all sectors of civil society to work on main focus, mainly on adolescents, young adults and housewives Alejandra Valdebenito, Seremi of Salud Aysén
It is worth mentioning that 99% of reported cases contracted HIV through non-badual intercourse. protected, being the main ones to the practice of the risk the badual relation between men, that concentrates 63% of the cases between 2011 and 2015.
to the reinforcement of the prevention by discussions in states educational institutions and health promoters, adds a series of measures that seek to stop or reduce the spread of HIV / AIDS and other badually transmitted infections. "The distribution of the female condom will begin, we are learning about their use and the process of acquiring these condoms made in Brazil, which will then be distributed to the country's health networks. follow is the taking of HIV through a rapid test, in which people who have risk factors and volunteers, of course, following the corresponding protocol, will also be available, "said Eduardo Muñoz, head of HIV / AIDS program . HIV / AIDS of Salud Seremias
Although it is true that the main group affected by HIV / AIDS is the age group of 20 to 49 years, there has been an increase in the number of minors, women owners and even
that is why the Health Authority calls for maintaining responsible badual behavior, using condoms, unique partners or badual abstinence, which are the safer ways to prevent the spread of badually transmitted diseases.

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