Twitter analyzes the removal of the button "I like"



According to a report published by the British newspaper The Telegraph Twitter studies delete the button "I like" from its platform, in an attempt to improve the quality of the debate in it.

Although this feature is considered one of the most favorable interactions between users, it is also responsible for contributing to the creation of dependencies.

According to the aforementioned means. , some users share the content on social networks to try to get some degree of approval and when they do not get it, they eliminate publications that are not enough "I l & # 39; love. "

The same Jack Dorsey founder of the social network of the little bird admitted that he did not like the button "I love", which comes in the form from a heart and, according to the Telegraph, once indicated that it would eliminate it.

was introduced in 2015 to replace the star icon that was used to mark tweets as "Favorites", one of the users' favorites, reason why said change was to the Very criticized era.

For its part, the account "Twitter Support" indicated that this measure was part of a social network policy aimed at eliminating the little used functions, thus leaving room for more useful others .

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