Two carabinieri are shot and wounded after surgery in Santiago – National


Two carabiniers are shot and wounded after an operation in Santiago.

This is the driver of a police car and a second corporal, who participated in various operations after stealing a store in the south of the capital. Tvn


Two rifle soldiers were wounded by gunfire during the afternoon and Saturday evening in Santiago. Both participated in an operation after a group of criminals attempted to steal a branch of Lipigas located at the intersection of Lo Valle and Santa Rosa Streets.

The first casualty is the driver of a police car that was injured in the calf. just after the criminals fired at the Carabineros vehicle. The uniform was transferred to the hospital Barros Luco to stabilize it, and then to the hospital riflemen

After the attack, the individuals fled aboard. a vehicle that then hit a post. After the accident, they are arrested and it is found that the car was not order. One of the subjects was carrying a revolver with flight order.

At that time, two people fled, initiating an exchange of gunfire between criminals and police officers monitoring the above-mentioned inmate. In this situation, a second corporal from the 13th La Granja police station was wounded. The uniformed policeman was shot in the right leg and did not risk life.


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