Two Chilean companies are part of a global agreement to reuse and reduce plastic | The society


The Convention of the New Plastic Economy was signed as part of the Our Ocean conference, held last week in Bali, at the initiative of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and the UN Environment an ambitious mission: decrease the amount of single-use plastic enterprises producing 20% ​​of the total of this element, highly polluting worldwide.

Concretely, this commitment means that 100% of this material produced, occupied and processed by the 250 companies and entities that adhered to the project will be reusable, compostable and recyclable by 2025. [19659002] Nestlé, Coca-Cola, L'Oreal, H & M, Danone and Unilever signed the agreement on the application of the circular economy to plastic. And in the case of Chile, two companies joined the challenge: Algramo, helping small producers sell their products in hundreds of stores; and TriCiclos dedicated to recycling.

Besides these societies, Professor Alysia Garmulewicz, professor at the University of Santiago, and the Chilean government are part of this plan to eliminate unnecessary plastic containers and to reach was produced with this material be reused or recycled.

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