Two dead and 800 km traveled in 10 days: a caravan of migrants advance in the United States despite the fury of Trump | Internationale


Thousands of exhausted Hondurans after traveling nearly 800 km in ten days stopped for the first time in the jungle of the Mexican community of Huixtla, before continuing their journey in the caravan that had caused the anger of President Donald Trump. Border and military patrols before this "national emergency".

For many members of the caravan, this hot and humid Tuesday is the first in which they have been bathing since their departure on October 13, in Honduras, driven by the unleashing. Inflation, murders and kidnappings perpetrated by gang members.

"The truth is that the body is already tired, exhausted and dirty, we have fallen into the trap," says Daniel Fernández, a 25-year-old bricklayer who travels with two friends. One of them doze on a big stone by drying pants, shirts and socks on the dense plants bordering the Huitxla River in Chiapas (south).

Huixtla is a municipality of about 50,000 dispersed inhabitants. in several ranches among the mountains of this region of the country's mainly indigenous jungle. Upon the arrival of migrants Monday night at the headquarters of the municipality, dozens of residents distributed an atole (corn-based drink), rice served on large leaves of one tree called white sheet and sanitary napkins.

in the church, on the basketball court, in the park and on the sidewalks of the small houses with tiled roofs, they woke up with used cardboard and plastic that served as a mattress. And they are still waiting around 3000 km to reach the border with the United States.

The Honduran government said Monday that two members of the caravan were dead: one of them, Saturday, while he had fallen out of vehicle inland the road to the Pacific of Guatemala and the other Monday on the road connecting Tapachula to Huehuetan, Mexico.

  ARCHIVE | Agence France-Presse
ARCHIVE | Agence France-Presse

Diplomatic Tensions

US Vice President Mike Pence said that the President of Honduras informed him that the caravan of migrants who had left his country to travel to the United States United was organized by leftist groups "financed by Venezuela". .

They were "sent north to challenge our sovereignty and our border" Pence said at an event organized by the Washington Post.

"We will do everything in our power to prevent this caravan from reaching the north and violating our border," he said.

The Honduran government of Juan Orlando Hernández accused the political opposition of calling the caravan to provoke "ungovernability" in the country, designating as instigator Bartolo Fuentes, a former deputy coordinator according to them by the former president and left leader, Manuel Zelaya.

Fuentes badured AFP that what he had done was to reproduce on his Facebook account a poster, which he ignores that discloses on different social networks.

The poster called to launch the "Migrant March" with the slogan: ] "We do not leave because we want, they drive out violence and poverty."

Trump announced Monday that he would begin to reduce the economic aid granted to Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, saying that they could not prevent the caravan of migrants from leaving Central America.

Trump reinforced his anti-immigrant rhetoric ahead of the mid-term US elections on November 6th.

"It seems that the Mexican police and army are unable to stop the caravan heading to the southern border of the US Unidentified criminals and people from the Middle East are mixed up ", he said Monday.

The Mexican Secretary of the Interior, Alfonso Navarrete, replied: "We will not fall under the request of a government that intends to provoke in Mexico a reaction hostile by itself, without foundation, without having exhausted all the means that can be given in the dialogue. "participated, did, as they were able to confirm, in an orderly and unarmed manner," he stressed.

More Migrants

Among those who have gone to Huixtla and those who have returned, there are also a lot of them half-way in. Hundreds of people crossed the southern border of Mexico on Monday afternoon after the Mexican government allowed them to come in.

There are about 400 Hondurans – according to NGOs – who have been waiting since Friday on the border bridge with Guatemala, with a large crowd.They are part of the caravan.

They were allowed to pbad "because e the (Foreign) Ministry (Mexican) has pleaded not to prosecute uncovered and weather the weather, "told AFP Gerardo García, Commissioner for Migration. 19659002] Apart from all those who, in one way or another, arrived in Mexico, a second caravan of Hondurans left on Sunday in Guatemala to join the United States.

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