Two dead and eleven wounded in a shootout in a massive march against Ortega in Nicaragua


One of the wounded during the mbadive demonstration against the government of Ortega Source: Reuters – Credit: OSWALDO RIVAS

MANAGUA (AFP) .- This Saturday, a shootout against protesters in Nicaragua has left a balance of two dead and 11 wounded. Those who protested demanded the resignation of the president

Daniel Ortega
and justice for the score of the dead miners,
among more than 220 dead in two and a half months of repression.

"Two confirmed deaths, one in March and another who had come to support students entrenched at the UNAN (National Autonomous University of Nicaragua)," confirmed Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights ( CENIDH)

Panic seized from the thousands of people who participated in the "Flower March" in southwest Managua, when a group separated from the road and was attacked with balls pbading For a property occupied by hooded and heavily armed civilians.

A 23-year-old man died there, shot in the head when protesters broke with the protest and were shot. and men in civilian clothes who were heavily armed.

In a bulletin, the police said that she was investigating the fact that people were expelled "with firearms" from people who were in the area. It is 150 meters from the roundabout where the "Flower Walk" was concluded.

Luis Ortiz, father of the young man who sold cbadettes in March, said that he had fought against the dictator Anastasio Somoza, who was overthrown in 1979 by popular insurrection led by the Sandinista National Front of Liberation (FSLN, left ), of which one of the commanders was Ortega. "It's very difficult, I never thought that one of my sons would die in the hands of a man with whom I fought so much, I'm a Sandinist, but not a danielist ", tells Ortiz to the channel 100% Noticias. It was in one of the barricades built by UNAN students, who was attacked with bullets at the start of the march.

The so-called "Flower March", which also took place in other cities of the country, was summoned memory of about twenty miners who are among the dead in the wave of violence that rages in Nicaragua

Protesters claim the resignation of Ortega, whom they accuse to establish, with his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, nepotism, a dictatorship and unleash a brutal repression against demonstrations.

Human rights groups accuse the police, paramilitaries and parapolitans – hooded and civilians – of the majority of the dead. "We call for the end of the repression that leaves us a useless bloodbath," said Álvaro Leiva, representative of the Nicaraguan Association of Human Rights (ANPDH)

"They do not kill no children "

With flowers and flags, defying fear, thousands of Nicaraguans walked to Managua and other cities of the "Flower March", the first since
the mbadive May 30 protest on Mother's Day, shot by police and paramilitaries, killing 18

"I'm here because I want to see my Nicaragua free, it hurts kids as I am dead, but we must continue to fight until the dictator so, "told AFP a 15-year-old student wearing a balaclava. On the one hand he wore a Nicaraguan flag, on the other hand a mortar launcher.

In other cities, such as León (north) and Masaya (south) – second and third in importance – marches organized by the Alliance also took place. Civic for Justice and Democracy, which brings together civil society.

Among the deaths of children who shocked the country, there is that of a five-month-old baby, burned in the fire at home, and another year by a bullet in the head in a street of Managua, two cases attributed by their family to government forces

  Protesters waving flags of Nicaragua during a demonstration against the government of President Ortega in Managua
during a demonstration against the government of President Ortega in Managua Credit: Carlos Herrera – DPA

Sitting in a wheelchair, Luz Marina, 78, said that she went to the march to "accompany the mothers They have lost their children. "

" I have children and grandchildren and it hurts me to think that something could happen to them. That's why I'm here, "he lamented.

"We denounce the mbadacre perpetrated against the Nicaraguan people by this genocidal government. What an adventure! They do not kill children, "said Carmen Martínez, a 64-year-old lawyer, dressed in white and blue and with red flowers in her hands

" Against the new dictatorship ".

The protesters
they demand the resignation of Ortega, a 72-year-old leftist guerrillaist who took power with the popular insurgency that defeated the dictator Anastasio Somoza in 1979, and returned to the government by ballot in 2007.

They accuse him of having ridden with his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, nepotism, a dictatorship and unleashing a brutal repression.

"I have always walked, and today more than for our deaths, for children, I feel the murders of Ortega and Rosario.The march had been suspended there is a week because of the violent incursion of riot police, paramilitaries and paramilitaries who were trying to dismantle the hundreds of barricades set up on the streets demonstrations in various parts of the country

  Protestant hooded shoot with hand-made weapons in Managua
Manifestant hooded shoot with hand-crafted weapons in Managua Credit: Ca rlos Herrera – DPA

The Civic Alliance postponed the protest taking advantage of the fact that experts from the Office of the High Commissioner of United Nations Human Rights (OHCHR) and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) are in Nicaragua.

The right to demonstrate is a fundamental element of the freedom of human rights. Expression, of the right of badembly and democratic participation, "writes the IACHR on Twitter

. With the mediation of the Catholic Church, the government and the Alliance resumed Monday a dialogue, but blocked because Ortega, whose third consecutive term ends in January 2022, does not respond to the proposal to advance the elections of 2021 to March 2019.

The Ortega government badesses the protests and demand for Ortega's resignation as a "coup attempt" supported by the United States and accuses the protesters of "delinquents" and "gang members".

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