Two more deaths in less than 24 hours during protests


  A person was injured during the March of Flowers which took place on June 30 in Managua, Nicaragua. (Photo Prensa Libre: AFP)
A person was injured during the March of Flowers that took place on June 30 in Managua, Nicaragua. (Photo Prensa Libre: AFP)

One of the victims is a 23-year-old street vendor who died when a group that separated from the march was attacked with bullets pbading through a property occupied by heavily armed civilians. , in southwestern Managua

The other deceased is a man who helped students entrenched at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN), where a barricade was was pulled by Ortega forces in times when, nearby, the march began, according to human rights groups.

"Confirmed two deaths, one in March and another to UNAN", told AFP an activist of the Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights (CENIDH)

A team of AFP in the so-called "Flower March" could see when the young man, who was selling ribbons to the protesters, fell with the bullet impact in the head. A few hours later, he died in the hospital.

In León, Saturday, a mother watched her 24-year-old son riddled with eight bullets in a barricade mounted by protesters

With flowers and flags, defying fear thousands of Nicaraguans marched in the capital and in other cities to demand the resignation of President Ortega and justice for the score of minors killed in two months and a half of repression.

  Nicaraguans in Costa Rica in which they expressed their repudiation of the repression of the government of Daniel Ortega. (Free Prensa Photo: EFE)
Nicaraguans in Costa Rica held a vigil in which they expressed their repudiation of the repression of the government of Daniel Ortega. (Free Prensa Photo: EFE)

It interests him: Five deaths, dozens of wounded and shootings are recorded during the demonstrations of the third day in Nicaragua

The so-called "Flower March" is the first since the mbadive demonstration of May 30, the one that was attacked by bullets by the police and the paramilitaries, with the balance of 18 dead.

Flower March. June 30, 2018. One more sign that the streets are the city. #SOSNicaragua #GritoPorNicaragua

– Civic Alliance Nicaragua (@AlianzaCivicaNi) ] June 30, 2018

"I am here because I want to see my free Nicaragua, it hurts that children like me are dead, but we must continue to fight for that dictator so. " AFP student of 15 years, with a ski mask. On the one hand he wore a Nicaraguan flag, on the other hand a mortar launcher.

In other cities, such as León (north) and Masaya (south) – respectively second and third largest in the country – marches were also made. convened by the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy, which brings together civil society.

Nicaragua again on the streets in the "flower march" of children killed by the regime's repression, desiring and demanding freedom, justice and peace.

– Silvio José Báez (@silviojbaez) June 30, 2018

Among the deaths of minors who shocked the country are the d & # 39, a five-month-old baby, burned in the fire at home, and another one-year-old by a bullet in the head on a street in Managua, both cases attributed by their family to government forces [19659005OnthewheelsLuzMarina78saidshe'sgoneonawalktoaccompanymotherswhohavelosttheirchildren"Ihavechildrenandgrandchildrenandithurtsmetothinkthatsomethingcanhappentothemthat'swhyI'mhere"

"Flower March" in Managua today. The people of Nicaragua remember the children killed by the repression of the regime and demand justice, freedom and peace (photos from @ Article66Nica ).

– Silvio José Báez (@silviojbaez) June 30, 2018

The Pope calls for democratic dialogue

  Pope Francis, Vatican, urged dialogue to resolve the situation in Nicaragua. (Photo Prensa Libre: AFP)
Pope Francis of the Vatican urged dialogue to resolve the situation in Nicaragua. (Photo Prensa Libre: AFP)

Pope Francis on Sunday encouraged "the effort" of the bishops and "many people of good will" who contributed to the crisis in Nicaragua and witnessed the process of national dialogue " through Democracy. "

" Renewing my prayer for the beloved people of Nicaragua, I wish to join the efforts of the country's bishops and many people of goodwill in their role as mediators and witnesses in the process of ongoing national dialogue, by way of democracy, "he said, after the Angelus in front of St. Peter's Square.

On the occasion of the "Flower March", which takes place today #Nicaragua on @CIDH recalls that the right to demonstrate is a fundamental element of the right to freedom of expression, the right to badembly and democratic participation / Ay3v0aKr1X

– IACHR (@CIDH) 30 June 2018

See also: Ortega and Murillo: an almost absolute power in Nicaragua

"They want to silence us with bullets"

The Commissions of the IACHR and OHCHR entered the country in the face of increased repression, and met with delegates from the government and the Alliance, and with the victims of violence.

The two local human rights groups who keep a registry of victims differ in their balance: one reports 285 dead and the other more than 220.

" They want to silence us with bullets We denounce the mbadacre against the Nicaraguan people that this genocidal government has committed .. Go away! "Says Carmen Martinez, lawyer of 64 years, dressed in white and blue and with red flowers in the hands. @ @CIDH receives information on shots fired at protesters Walk of Flowers "in Managua, #Nicaragua Provisional information indicates at least 3 wounded @CIDH urges the state of #Nicaragua to guarantee the life and integrity of all protesters

– IACHR (@CIDH) June 30, 2018

With the mediation of the Catholic Church, the government and the Alliance resumed dialogue on Monday, but stalled because Ortega, whose third consecutive term ends in January 2022, still does not respond to the proposal to advance the elections from 2021 to March 2019.

  The red blood has eclipsed the colors of peace in the streets of Nicaragua. (Photo Prensa Libre: EFE)
The red blood has eclipsed the colors of peace in the streets of Nicaragua (Photo Prensa Libre: EFE) [19659028]

The Church plans to convene a plenary of dialogue Tuesday

This may interest you: how did the rebellion that threatened Nicaragua develop? [19659005] The Ortega government describes the demonstrations and the president's call for resignation as a US-backed "coup d'etat" and accuses the protesters of "delinquents" and "gang members".

violent operations of the combined forces of the Government dismantled several hundreds of barricades constructed by the colonists with slabs to protect themselves and to prevent the pbadage of trucks loaded with police, parapolicías and paramilitaries.

  Image of several flags with names of people killed during protests in Nicaragua during a vigil organized by the Nicaraguan community in Costa Rica. (Free Photo Prensa: EFE)
Image of several flags with the names of people killed during protests in Nicaragua during a vigil organized by the Nicaraguan community in Costa Rica. (Free Photo Prensa: EFE)

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> Nicaragua protests, the march was called by the Catholic Church

> Daniel Ortega was a guerrilla , now faces rebellion

> Blocks in Nicaragua Affect the Economy

See the Bulletin "In the Morning"

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