Two of the accused in Operation Hurricane declare before the Court of Guarantee in Temuco | National


A legal declaration, requested by his defense, has today lent to the Court of Guarantee of Temuco two of the accused in connection with the failed operation Hurricane . , said the captain in the Carabineros retreat, Leonardo Osses Sandoval who worked in the former specialized operational intelligence unit.

The professional insisted on his total innocence, particularly as regards the implementation of false messages. on the phones of at least 10 Mapuche community members who were arrested and finally fired from the case.

Later, he declared Corporal Primero of Carabineros, Héctor Olave Venegas who, pointing out his innocence, lacks knowledge of information technologies and no connection with the facts At the same hearing, the prosecutor of the case , Carlos Palma, informed the Court that he would not formalize it next Monday.

In this hearing charges will be communicated to the former director of intelligence of the riflemen, general retired Gonzalo Blu Rodríguez to the general retired from the control zone of the l 39; public order in La Araucanía and exempted from the unity of Intelligence Marcelo Teuber Muñoz the oldest retired Patricio Marín Lazo retired captain Leonardo Osses Sandoval, in addition junior officers Manuel Riquelme Mardones, Marcos Sanhueza Cordova, Darwin Vásquez Sepúlveda, Marvin Marín Maluenda, Cristián Pérez Mancilla, Manuel Cavieres González and civil Alex Smith Leay

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