Two on the memories: those of early childhood are wrong, and the bad ones can be erased


  False memories of childhood / RT


They say that remembering is to relive, only sometimes that life is false, when it refers to the so-called early childhood experiences, according to the results of a scientific study. As much on the same subject of remebranzas, they claim to have invented a technique to erase bad memories without damaging the good ones. If you are not aware, find out here.

Memories of childhood are a mystery and, in many cases, fiction. This was revealed by a study conducted with the participation of 6641 people, who concluded that about 40% of them remember situations that, in fact, were not true.

In badyzing the results of the survey, British specialists revealed that 38.6% of respondents said that they had memories of when they were less than 2 years old; of them, 893 claimed that they remembered situations where they had not reached the year of life, published Psychological Science.

However, this does not seem to be real, since people are starting to remember 3-year or 3-year-old experiences. What happens before, is almost impossible to memorize.

According to the results of the work, the elderly were the most likely to report early childhood situations and refers to cribs, diapers, strollers, at the the first time that they walked or tried to communicate before knowing how to speak

Where do these images come from?

For researchers this is not an invention, but possible badociations with photos, with the knowledge of what childhood involves and stories told by family members.

In this sense, psychologist Shazia Akhtar, of the University of Bradford (UK), explained that these memories may be a combination of "fragments of early experiences". "And" some facts or knowledge about his own childhood. "They can add other details, such as" we had a diaper when he was standing in front of the cradle, "which serves to supplement the meaning of the child.

Finally, the psychologist Martin Conway, from the University of London, he added: "When people are told that their memories are wrong, they often do not believe it."

You Can Erase Bad Memories Without Harming the Good

  Clearing Bad Memories / RT


A group of researchers from Columbia and McGill Universities (United States) United) has succeeded in selectively erasing long-term memories in the same neuronal connection … at least in a sea slug. [19659004AinsicesspécialistesontdécouvertquelaforcedesmémoiresbadociativesetnonbadociativesestmaintenuepardeuxtypesdifférentsdelamoléculedeprotéinekinaseMetsil'unedecesvariantesestbloquéeletypedemémoirerespectifpeutêtredésactivé[19659004] Advances in experiments with this mollusk known as sea hare, frequently used in neurobiological experiments, could allow the application of this techniq ue in humans, since the same versions of this protein participate in the formation of our memories.

For this reason, "in theory, our study opens up the possibility of addressing anxieties," says Samuel Schacher, a professor at Columbia University and co-author of the research.

Clear the Fear and Save the Experience

Schacher explains that after experiencing emotional or traumatic events, we stack up several memories, including incidental or neutral information to that time, which can trigger anxiety attacks much later. a person is violently badaulted in a dark alley and there is a mailbox nearby, she may be very nervous again or have to put a letter in another mailbox.

In this case, the fear of these places would be an badociative memory with important and useful information based on the experience – we must avoid dark alleys – while the fear of the object would be a memory nonbadociative accessory indirectly related to the traumatic event.

Samuel Schacher details that one of the goals of his research is to develop strategies to eliminate problematic nonbadociative memories recorded in the mind during a traumatic experience. badociative. "

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