Two serious British citizens by neurotoxic agent


Amesbury, England .- Two British citizens were in critical condition after being exposed to the nerve agent Novichok, the same who touched a former Russian spy and his daughter in March, said yesterday the highest Country anti-terrorist officer, Neil Basu

The couple, a 44-year-old woman and a 45-year-old man, was hospitalized after being found ill in the city of Amesbury, a few miles from Salisbury, where the Former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were attacked.

"I received the results of Porton Down tests [centro de investigación militar] which show that both people were exposed to Novichok's neurotoxic agent," Basu told the press

. home in Amesbury after the woman, identified by the media as Dawn Sturgess, has collapsed. The services came back later, when the man, Charlie Rowley, also got sick. At first, it was thought that the couple had consumed heroin or crack from a contaminated part, police said. However, the evidence showed that they were poisoned with Novichok.

Britain accused Russia of poisoning Skripal and his daughter with Novichok, a nerve agent developed by the Soviet army during the Cold War, in what would be the first attack with the enemy. agent on European soil since the Second World War. Moscow denied being involved in the act.

The UK's anti-terrorism police is conducting the investigation now, although Basu has said that it's not clear how the two people came into contact with the neurotoxin agent or if they were a specific target. 19659002] "I have no data or evidence that they could be a kind of goal," Basu said. "There is nothing in his file that suggests anything like this."

Amesbury is 11 kilometers from Salisbury, where Skripal and his daughter were found unconscious.

Police cordoned off at least five different areas, including a park and property in Salisbury, plus a pharmacy and community center in Amesbury.

The country 's highest medical authority, Sally Davies, said that "the risk to the public remains low", although the exposure of two people apparently disconnected with espionage or l'. former Soviet Union will increase the fear that there are remains of the toxin in the region.

Spokesman for Prime Minister Theresa May said the emergency committee met to discuss the incident. Interior Secretary Sajid Javid will lead another meeting today.

"The theory with which we are working is that this exposure was accidental, rather than a second attack similar to Sergei and Yulia Skripal," said Javid.

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