Uber began charging passengers for drivers to wait more than two minutes – Services – Information – Latest news from Uruguay and the world updated


After communicating an increase in its minimum fare last week, the Uber Transportation App announced today that from this Friday it will charge pbadengers to make the driver wait until more than two minutes from their arrival.

"Starting Friday, July 20, after the 2 minutes that the conductor has arrived at the point of collection of the user, charges per minute will begin to be billed," said the company in a statement published on its website.

The cost will be $ 4 per minute and will not be changed if it is in dynamic mode since it is a "separate concept". This change was made so that "the leaders can receive a profit for the time that they can not offer their services to others".

The company also indicates that the waiting time will only be charged if the trip is over. The cancellation fee, meanwhile, will only be charged after five minutes have pbaded. If this rate is triggered, the waiting time will not be charged, and if a trip is canceled between 2 and 5 minutes, there will be no charge.

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