Uber warns of "negative effects" in new regulations and Cabify offers solutions | National


Uber warned that certain aspects of the new regulation to regulate platforms like yours could have "negative effects".

Sixteen articles have the bill that the government has sent to regulate technological application services such as Uber and Cabify platforms clbadified as "illegal" and "informal" by the executive, at least up to now.

A1 professional license, a resume with a criminal record, that they do not take into account history for crimes of badual connotation, drug trafficking, impaired driving resulting in injury or death, are requirements established by the executive branch for the conduct of technological applications

. legislate on transport demands and the need to legalize.

However, the "negative effects on the partners s drivers and users" who warned the director of governmental affairs of Uber Nicolas Sanchez, have to do with the requirements that the law requires for drivers.

They warn that the requirement of a professional license for drivers "will severely limit the economic opportunities of the more than 75,000 driving partners that engage today. through Uber ".

In the meantime, as regards the "provision of information that will be needed by companies, they could lead to a violation of the privacy of drivers and pbadengers".

"This measure had already been considered and rejected during the legislative discussion of the project presented by the previous administration," he said.


The general director of ] Cabify Agustín Gilisasti, said that they have already proposed to the government "to modernize the way to obtain this license through e-learning courses that facilitate access and that all the world can remove it more easily and thus not leave people without work. "

The company also said to be the only transportation platform that meets all the legal requirements proposed by the government.

https: // media. biobiochile.cl/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/cua-ub er-2.mp3

The text seized by the Chamber of Deputies and it is not excluded that the government incorporates a kind of Urgency for his legislative debate.

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