UDI deputies will ask President Piñera to call Cosena for Araucania


At least 10 UDI deputies will ask President Sebastián Piñera to convene the National Security Council (Cosena) to badyze acts of violence that occurred during the week elapsed. in the Araucanía after the death of the comunero Camilo Catrillanca.

According to published La Tercera in a letter signed by Osvaldo Urrutia, Juan Antonio Coloma and Jorge Alessandri, among others, it is requested the body composed of presidents of the Senate, the Lower House, Supreme Court and Comptroller, as well as commanders-in-chief of the Armed Forces and the Director General of Carabinieri.

In the document, parliamentarians badert that "the latent conflict in La Araucanía leads us to reflect on the relevance of the social, economic and cultural advancement of a lost space in previous administrations."

"There are terrorist attacks generated by violent groups and whose victims are innocent, have configured the need to create special groups of carabineros."

" Death Mr. Catrillanca 's recent experience undoubtedly resulted in a certain degree of instability in the achievements and obvious efforts promoted by this government, "they said.

In addition, they finalize the text that " we consider that the terrorist cancer must be removed with the weapons that democracy and the rule of law give us."

It should be recalled that Cosena's powers were limited by the government of Ricardo Lagos in 2005 and can currently be convened only by the President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, who had already done so in 2014 because of the consequences of the The Hague judgment for the Peruvian trial.

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