UDI deputies will present a plan for students who cause "destruction" not to be free – Policy


© Agencia Uno   UDI deputies will present a project for students to provoke

Parliamentarians Javier Macaya and Osvaldo Urrutia consider it "quite logical" that the "break-pay" be applied, regarding the excesses that happened in the last few weeks in Santiago.

24Horas.cl TVN


The chief of the bench of the UDI, Javier Macaya and the deputy Osvaldo Urrutia will present a project for the students who caused the "destruction" in educational institutions do not have access to the free university.

This, following the latest events that affected the high schools in the district of Santiago, and that even caused the closing of liceo Amunátegui by order of Mayor Felipe Alessandri.

The Parliamentarians Motion, which seeks to amend the 21,091 Act on Higher Education " enshrined as a cause of loss ben benefits that the state establishes for students, in case of Be the perpetrators of the destruction and other excesses to the property and educational material of the educational institutions taken, as a form of protest, claim or other motivation to the authorities .The text states that "in our law, there are experiences regarding the loss of state benefits with respect to persons who have lost the ability to be their creditors on the basis of facts that involve indignities arising . This is the case of the benefits perceived by the indigenous groups of the Land and Indigenous Waters Fund. "

The parliamentarians also declare that" with the entry into force of Law 20.529, the Superintendency of Education is the administrative body responsible to monitor, in accordance with the law, that the holders of Educational institutions officially recognized by the State comply with the laws, regulations and instructions of the Superintendency, and oversee the legality of the use of resources of institutions that receive a contribution from the 39 "State"

According to deputies, it is "quite logical that in a policy of effective use of public resources, those responsible for excesses are punished with the impossibility of accessing the gratification, according to the slogan La Tercera ]

"Chilean society was bored with acts of force without baduming the responsibilities of the case. Minority students who come to bear the right of the majority of the educational community to training and studying for a better future, "said MP Macaya.

For his part, Urrutia says that " the break-pay C is all logical, the one that breaks, burns and throws Molotov to the carabineries can not then access the free in the higher education . "


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