UDI initiates procedure to use TC by abortion regulation, but RN expresses doubts


"A constitutional right can not be conditioned by an agreement that violates the principle of conscientious objection." As explained yesterday the president of the UDI Jacqueline van Rysselberghe, the discomfort of his party for the new regulation of conscience objection of the law of abortion, that the government sent Friday at the controller.

The new text of La Moneda it was issued after the supervisory body declared the Minsal protocol, after a call from the PS – illegally, in May allowing private institutions invoking the objection of maintain their agreements with the state. The government has drafted a new text, which states that institutions that are subject to the agreement will not be able to maintain agreements that involve gynecological or obstetric benefits. Thus, the executive took over the wording that the previous government had formulated

. In this context, the UDI had already yesterday asked the constitutional jurists, as explained the helmsman, to evaluate the procedure of appeal to the Constitutional Court (TC) against the decision of the Controller. One of them is the jurist Jorge Barrera, who has already contacted the parliamentarians of the UDI

Whatever the case may be, one of the pre-reports who runs the party suggests recourse to the legal body once the controller has taken the rule. published

"The controller was wrong The government had to adjust the regulation, but we do not think that the restriction of the objection is legitimate, 99% of the gynecological benefits are excluded from coverage", he says. yesterday, UDI block leader Javier Macaya, at a press briefing, adding that they spoke with La Moneda of the idea of ​​parties coming to the TC

In the UDI, they predict that the next few days will be the key to the final decision. This then awaits the decision of the rest of the parties in Chile Vamos, mainly RN, considering that resorting to TC requires a qurum of signatures, but also with the idea that there is a position as unitary as possible in the block. "We will talk to RN and Evpoli, UDI's position is to go to the TC," Macaya said. "We should have the decision made next week, we are in these conversations," added Rysselberghe.

In RN, however, they expressed that they prefer to take the opportunity to join this initiative calmly. "It will be risky to go immediately," said Vice President Leopoldo Prez, "to the extent that the impact on the violation of the rights of pregnant women for benefits other than abortion must While Senator Francisco Chahun said: "I think the settlement is appropriate, we will defend it because it is a fair balance." The Secretary General, Felipe Cisternas, was more acerbic on CNN : "I will not go to the TC, because the regulations are an appropriate combination between the views of the TC and the controller."

In Evpoli, its president Hernn Larran Matte respald the new regulation as 39, in his opinion, "he respects the protection of the objection, the autonomy of the institutions and the right of women." In a first evaluation, Evpoli is not required by the CT. MP Francisco Undurraga added that "only comply with what the controller has so and the Ministry proposed. "

Posture of Opposition

There were several leaders in opposition to the new settlement. "This problem has been solved," said PS deputy Leonardo Soto

The chairman of the Senate Committee on Health, Guido Girardi (PPD), said that the Minister of Health, Emilio Santelices, had "fixed a mistake ". In the same vein, the chairman of the Health Commission, Juan Luis Castro (PS), who warned the ruling party: "I hope that it will not be there. will have no combined action for the government with the controller and the opposition, And there is a party in Chile Let's go where they can get better, the TC Will there be an agreement with the Government? It is time to call President Piera to say that if it is the final decision and not the last, close rows in their parties. "

In addition, in the PS they gave a account of a definition: they will face in the TC in Chile let's go if it disputes the opinion of the controller. "The government has corrected its mistake, but we will continue to defend the rights of women," said party chairman Alvaro Elizalde. MP Marcelo Daz added: "I hope that they will refrain from the TC, so that we have a regulation once, if they do not maintain legal uncertainty and that they are not allowed to do so. they disavow their own government. "

30 days
the party in power to resort to the TC, once the controller takes the rule

"The position of the UDI is d & # 39; go to the TC, but we'll talk to RN and Evpoli. "
Head of the UDI Bank

"We have already asked for reports from lawyers, a constitutional right can not be conditioned by an agreement."
President of the UDI

] "It will be risky to go immediately (to the TC), it must be evaluated, as far as it is possible. impact on benefits other than abortion is seen in three causes. "
Head of the RN Bank

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