Unasur and corruption | Trade


It is Simón Bolívar who first raised, amid the struggles of Independence, the need for the integration of our peoples. And this slogan is still valid. Germánico Salgado, one of our great thinkers, argued that to advance the process of integration, the Andean Pact should be a link in the South American integration

Therefore, the formation of the Union of South American Nations, Unasur, seen with hope, as the opportunity to form a large block of countries with a significant presence on a global scale. But this great initiative has ended badly, as an instrument of international Chavismo politics. His last general secretary, Ernesto Samper, for example, instead of promoting South American integration, acted as spokesman for Nicolás Maduro or invited to the second floor at the meetings of the Coristas

. problems One is the building built in the middle of the world to deliver it to the international organization. This "white elephant", with a weird design that has nothing to do with Andean and South American traditions, is the most expensive construction in the history of Ecuador. It cost USD 45,815,247.63, a record number, technically unjustifiable.

To get an idea of ​​the huge overvalued building, I will give an example. When he wanted to attack Simón Bolívar Andean University, Correa said that there were irregularities there. He sent to the Office of the Controller, which established that the cost of the building intended for the Library, larger and more complex than that of Unasur and built at the same time, was 15- 130 & 673; , 31 USD, or 700.01 USD per meter.

This cost / meter of about $ 700 is expected from a technical point of view. But the Unasur building costs $ 2,345.53 per meter, more than three times that of a high-quality academic construction. But other constructions of correísmo also have noisy surges. The famous North Platform, at a cost of $ 197,975,643.58, flooded during its inauguration, cost $ 1,519.80 per meter, twice the cost of construction.

Another problem is the fate of the building. Delivering it to Conaie for the indigenous university would be a terrible affair for this resurgent institution, for its minimal academic use and the cost of maintenance. Maybe your best destination is to be a museum. But this problem is not limited to looking, as Ecuador has to do with other Latin American countries, a viable path of integration, precisely at a time in history when large blocks are formed to face the new realities of the world. [19659007] [ad_2]
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