Uncertain because it allows third parties to spy on Gmail emails


We all know that Google is an excellent tool on the Internet, it is the most famous company on the web thanks to which we can get l & # 39; information that we want in real time. But so far, not everything has been perfect for Google, since the insecurity generated compared to the emails of Gmail

has now appeared. In this sense, Google [VIDEO] allowed its partners and various promoters to have direct access to Gmail thus giving them the power to read any email that they wish In this way, spying on different conversations, documents and other activities among Gmail users.

This generated a complete dispute and scandal similar to that of Facebook and Cambridge Analytica . For its part, "The Wall Street Journal" reported that the Silicon Valley company, even after exposing the problem publicly, continues to allow its partners to digitize and access in real time all the content of Gmail

But why does Google allow third parties to access particular Gmail emails?

The problem was really generated by the technical setup of Gmail which in particular, it allows these companies to access the contents of all existing emails, through supplements and to expansions available there.

That is why, we must promote in advance on authorizations when install a new application on the mobile.

Since, on the contrary, the experts of the companies badociated with Google can consult any type of private elements of the Gmail account [VIDEO] an example: the addresses and the telephone numbers of the users, the time of their connections and worse, the emails completely.

For all this, Google ensures that during all this time it has only allowed access to developers, researchers and computer system experts; which, it is not possible to believe it at all since other thirds, like the same employees of Google could also read and scan the emails Gmail .

This is not at all wrong, because if the information is provided to computer scientists they will be able to access in these sensitive situations concerning abuse on the Internet. The bad thing is that Google did not know how to handle the situation because she kept this dimension in absolute silence. But despite this, the big Internet platform has advised its users to review all the applications that they allowed to access via Gmail and cancel this approval if they wish it.

How to prevent them from tracking your Gmail emails via Google

Nobody wants their privacy to be discovered by third parties and much less in an Internet platform . That is why, with these simple steps, you can prevent them from accessing your email from Gmail :

1- First, you must check what applications are related to your Gmail account and invalidate its access.

2- Then, view from the site My Activity, from Google Privacy and Permissions on Similarly, Prevents Access to third-party applications with account access.

3.- Go to disable the option "Use". also your activity and Google services information to personalize ads on websites and apps badociated with Google to display ads. "

4.- Finally, critics Permit granted to different applications such as WhatsApp and more badociated dem, therefore prevent from gaining free access to your profile Gmail .

This news has been verified via:

  • https://www.abc.es/tecnologia/redes/abci-secreto-voces-google-permite-espiar-correos-gmail-empresas-aplicaciones-201807031306_noticia.html
  • http: //www.elcomercio .es / technology / companies / google-authorization-third party-20180704173120-ntrc.html

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