Unemployed Truckers in Magallanes Collapse on Vehicle Benches | National


Truckers in the Magallanes region launched an indefinite strike to sue the government by cutting the roads in the area, requiring parking, the removal of the specific tax on fuels and a greater staffing of SAG officials on the southern border of integration

The mobilization has sparked so much chaos that we have seen bickering over a year ago. hundred cars in some service stations waiting to load gasoline some suppliers claiming that they have gasoline for less than two days.

The strike took place after the Trucking Association was unable to reach an agreement at the meeting which was held on Monday with the following day. Intendant María Teresa Castañón.

The largest blockages occurred at Kilometer 23 of Route 9 North, Common Punta Arenas; in Bahía Chilota, district of Porvenir, and at the entrance to Puerto Natales where only pbadage of private cars and emergency is allowed.

Meanwhile, the regional authority is committed to providing a solution before Friday through a working table . , in order to reach an agreement and the mobilization is over.

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