Union of Chuquicamata rejects the declarations of the president of Codelco for call to the strike


Chuquicamata's union vice president, Mario Lobos, accused Juan Benavides of not having the ability to dialogue with the workers.

Chuquicamata's union vice president, Mario Lobos, expressed his rejection of the president's statements. Juan Benavides, who was asked about the announcement of the division's stop, argued that there was a somewhat "bipolar" attitude in the actions of the workers.

Lobos described Benavides' statements as harsh and baderted that these "only reflect their inability to dialogue and lack of leadership to deal with the crisis of this division, using an ironic discourse in which she seeks to underestimate the great value of Chuquicamata's human resource and mock a pathology suffered by hundreds of people. "

He also argued that" if Mr. Benavides's style of dealing with dialogue is not to confront the workers directly in their legitimate demands and do it by the press I call them by these same means to put on the boots and check on the spot the innumerable irregularities which put every day in danger the life of the people. "

The chief emphasized that the workers are not against the transformation of the mine and that "we only ask for our active participation as agreed in the convention Collective and the Strategic Compact for Chile. "

Paralysis, the date of which has not yet been defined, Benavides said that "the unions sent us a letter to make a working table (…), but on the other hand they call for paralysis, so it is not understood and bipolar mean thing in the way they manifest themselves, but it is fully aware that it is the path that Chuquicamata requires. "

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